Now Max Can Read!
Max is 6 years old and came to LearningRx because he could not read. He was struggling with letter and word recognition, and this was also showing up as difficulty with numbers.
Max had an initial assessment which uncovered that the root cause of his reading difficulties was lower memory skills, auditory processing and processing speed.
Max’s mom, Kristina, had tried tutoring and school interventions but she was not seeing improvement. The key to helping Max was not more of the same but addressing the root cause through cognitive skills training.
Max completed his training recently and his Kristina shared:
“I am so impressed with how Max progressed in his learning, especially reading and his love for school! He has become a curious learner, and he is able to read at a high level now, which when he began the program he couldn’t read at all. James is actually able to read now, which is HUGE, and he is actually an ‘advanced’ reader in his class! He is also excited to learn new things”
What a change for Max! Not only did his training unlock reading fluency and comprehension, but he now loves to learn and loves school. Homework time no longer consists of frustrating battles.
If your child is struggling with difficulties in reading or reading comprehension, don’t settle for simply doing more of the same, identify and address the root cause through LearningRx training. Brain training is life changing!