7 Secrets to Engaged Online Learning for Students With ADHD; Tip #2 Continuing our tips from ADDitude Magazine on strategies to help children with ADHD get started and stay motivated to finish their school work, today we focus on Tip #2: Add motivators to math: moving & small treats matter. According to ADDitude’s article, introducing some movement during math can help engage modality and release energy. By encouraging your student to get out of their seat, you can decrease both resistance and anxiety! Known as “kinesthetic learning,” reluctant learners can benefit from a hands-on approach, no matter what the subject. Need some ideas? 1. Use mini M&M to teach division, fractions and percentages. 2. Play “War” with a deck of cards to practice multiplication. Just use the 1-10 (numbered) cards and have each player draw two cards. Multiply the cards for each player and the person with the greatest product wins! 3. Draw a hopscotch court with chalk and have your student jump to the correct answer as you call out problems. 4. Teach fractions while baking or cooking!