
“My Child Can’t Sit Still”: How Hyperactivity & Cognitive Skills Are Connected

Hyperactivity is a common behavior among children and is often associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It usually looks like restlessness, difficulty sitting still, and impulsivity. While hyperactivity is a common behavioral issue among children, it can also be a symptom of underlying cognitive skills deficits.

Looking at the Real Reasons for Hyperactivity

Cognitive skills are the mental processes that enable us to think, learn, and remember. These skills include things like attention, memory, processing speed, and problem-solving. When a child has deficits in one or more of these skills, it can lead to difficulty with tasks such as paying attention, following instructions, and completing assignments.

While not all cases of hyperactivity are linked to weak cognitive skills, this is an important place to start because building up these areas can improve your child’s focus and performance in school and life. 

Brain Skills & Hyperactivity

Here are some of the most common skill weaknesses that may cause your kids to be hyperactive and unfocused:


One of the most common skill deficits associated with hyperactivity is attention. Children with ADHD often struggle to maintain focus and become easily distracted. This can make it difficult for them to pay attention in class or complete tasks that require sustained focus.

Working Memory

Children with ADHD may have difficulty remembering instructions or completing tasks that require multiple steps. For these kids, it can seem like information goes in one ear and out the other. This can lead to frustration and difficulties in school.

Processing Speed

Processing speed is the speed at which the brain processes information. Children with ADHD may have difficulty processing information quickly, leading to slower reading and problem-solving skills.

On the other hand, some hyperactive individuals may have high processing speed but low logic, attention, or memory. This means they are doing SOMETHING at high speed – but it may not be exactly what they’re supposed to be doing.

Logic & Problem-Solving

Problem-solving is the ability to analyze and solve problems. Hyperactive children may have difficulty with this skill, leading to struggles with tasks like multi-step instructions, math, critical thinking, planning/organization and other things that require logical thinking and reasoning.

Building Cognitive Skills in Hyperactive Kids

Instead of accommodations that don’t look at the real reason kids are struggling, cognitive skills training focuses on strengthening the underlying root causes of hyperactivity. With the right approach, you can strengthen each of these skills! 

In the past, our ADHD and hyperactive students have seen dramatic improvement in their ability to focus, remember, and stay engaged in learning environments. Past clients with ADHD have seen across-the-board improvements in cognitive skills, including an average gain of 3.2 years in sustained attention skills. Our clients have also reported significant improvements in other areas, including relationships with friends and family, oppositional behavior, and self-esteem.*

If your child is experiencing difficulties with these skills, it’s worth considering an evaluation and seeking out appropriate interventions to help improve their functioning. Click here to learn more about our ADHD training program.

*Results are from test results and surveys of past clients. You or your child may or may not experience the same outcome.

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