
The Why Behind Late and Missing Assignments

Late and missing assignments can be a source of frustration for both parents and students. It’s not uncommon for teens to struggle with keeping track of their responsibilities, leading to last-minute cramming and subpar work. Instead of just nagging your child about making sure they’re getting all their work done, it can be helpful to dig in deeper and find out WHY they struggle so much to get work done in a timely manner..

Reasons for Late and Missing Assignments:

Trouble managing different systems:

In today’s educational landscape, students are often required to navigate multiple online platforms and tools. Juggling various systems for assignments, grades, and communication can be overwhelming, especially for those who haven’t yet developed effective strategies for managing these resources on their own.

Poor organization online and on paper:

Effective organization is a crucial skill for academic success. Many teens struggle with managing their digital files and physical materials, leading to misplaced assignments or difficulty finding important resources when needed.

Gone are the days of messy backpacks being the big problem here. In the digital environment so many of our students’ schools rely on, it is still just as hard (if not harder) for students to keep track of where everything is. Every teacher may use a different system to communicate assignments, track grades, accept assignments, and even give feedback, so it’s no wonder students who struggle with organization have particular difficulty in this area.

Lack of follow-through:

Procrastination and a tendency to put off tasks until the last minute can lead to assignments being rushed or forgotten entirely. Without the discipline to prioritize and complete tasks in a timely manner, students may find themselves struggling to meet deadlines.

Not knowing what’s due or when:

Poor time management and a lack of awareness about upcoming assignments can lead to a sense of overwhelm. Students may find it challenging to keep track of due dates, resulting in late or incomplete work. 

Again, different teachers may use different methods to communicate assignments. If your student is not proactive about learning each of these systems for each class, they are more likely to fall behind.

Weak executive functioning skills:

Executive functions are the core learning skills that enable us to plan, organize, initiate tasks, and manage time effectively. Weaknesses in these areas can significantly impact a student’s ability to complete assignments on time and with high quality.

What’s Going On Under the Surface: Weak Executive Functions & Cognitive Skills:

Weak executive functions can manifest in several ways, including:

  • Poor time management: Difficulty estimating how much time a task will take and allocating time appropriately.
  • Impaired organization: Struggles with categorizing, prioritizing, and keeping track of tasks and materials.
  • Inefficient planning: Difficulty breaking down larger tasks into manageable steps and creating a clear action plan.
  • Limited impulse control: Difficulty resisting distractions or the temptation to procrastinate.
  • Poor working memory: Difficulty holding onto information in the short-term memory, which can impact comprehension and task execution.

Tips to Make Managing Assignments Easier and More Successful:

If these things resonate with the struggles you see in your child, it can be overwhelming to see how best to help them. You don’t want to micromanage them (and they don’t want you to, either). They need to learn these skills, but they may not even know where to start. Here are a few things that they may be able to take ownership of in order to be more on top of the work they need to do:

#1: Implement a digital and physical organization system:

Encourage your teen to use tools like digital calendars, task management apps, and physical planners to keep track of assignments, due dates, and important deadlines. If each teacher uses a different system, your teen needs to take the initiative to consolidate all of their responsibilities into one place where they can clearly see what’s due and what’s coming up.

#2: Break tasks into manageable chunks:

Help your teen develop the skill of breaking down larger assignments into smaller, more manageable tasks. This approach makes the overall workload feel less daunting and ensures progress is made consistently. 

This is a habit that may require some help at first, but once your teen learns to look at large assignments as the sum of smaller parts, they’ll be set up to complete tasks in a more timely and efficient manner.

#3: Establish a routine:

Consistent routines can help reinforce good habits. Encourage your teen to set aside dedicated time for studying, completing assignments, and reviewing materials.

Even if they “don’t have homework,” teens can use this dedicated time to get ahead on assignments, reading, studying, or organizing for the weeks ahead.

#4: Prioritize and plan:

Teach your teen how to prioritize tasks based on deadlines and importance. Developing a clear plan of action can prevent last-minute rushes and ensure assignments are completed thoroughly.

#5: Practice time management techniques:

Encourage techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique, which involves working in focused intervals followed by short breaks. This can help improve concentration and productivity.

What If These Things Still Don’t Help Your Teen Get Assignments Done on Time?

If your child still struggles to stay on top despite all your best efforts, it’s important to dig even deeper to see what skills they’re lacking. 

Often, procrastination and a lack of follow through on assignments are NOT just due to laziness or lack of effort. Instead, they’re a signal of deeper cognitive weaknesses that are making it harder for the brain to process the world and keep up.

At LearningRx, we dig deeper into learning struggles to identify WHY each individual is struggling and what we can do to help them grow not only skills, but also the confidence to apply them. We work with a lot of teens on making effective organization strategies while also building key skills like logic, attention, and memory that are critical for mastering time management and organization.

Click here to learn more about our study skills training program!

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