
Two Approaches to Supporting Students with Learning Disabilities

Supporting students with learning disabilities is an essential aspect of fostering an inclusive educational environment. While there are various strategies and approaches to assist these students, two distinct methods stand out: accommodations and addressing root causes

Two Approaches to Supporting Students with Learning Disabilities

Accommodations for Learning Disabilities:

Accommodations refer to modifications made to the learning environment or curriculum to make information accessible to students at their level of ability. These adjustments are designed to level the playing field, ensuring that students with learning disabilities have equitable access to educational opportunities. Some common accommodations include:

  • Extended time on tests and assignments
  • Use of assistive technology, including having texts read out loud
  • Preferential or strategic seating
  • Modified assignments.

While accommodations play a crucial role in supporting students with learning disabilities in the moment, they primarily address the symptoms rather than the underlying causes of their challenges. These should be seen as short-term helps to build a student’s confidence while you do the work of digging deeper to figure out what skills need to be built so they can be successful independently.

A Root Cause Approach:

In contrast to accommodations, a root cause approach seeks to identify and address the underlying factors contributing to a student’s learning difficulties. This method involves targeted interventions aimed at strengthening cognitive skills and addressing specific areas of weakness. 

By targeting the root causes of learning disabilities, students can develop the necessary cognitive skills to overcome their challenges more effectively and function without relying on accommodations. Some key components of a root cause approach include:

  • Cognitive assessments. This essential step identifies the unique skill weaknesses that cause a student’s struggles with reading, math, focus, writing, or another area of learning
  • Individualized approaches. These need to be intense, targeted, and progressive to grow their abilities from where they are, uniquely tailored to their needs and goals
  • Collaboration and patience. This kind of change and growth takes time. It also takes a team working together to keep the student motivated, engaged, and growing over time.

At LearningRx, we are dedicated to addressing each student’s unique set of skills, needs, and goals to help them achieve their fullest potential. Rather than a diagnosis, we look at the skills underneath that impact how the brain interacts with the world. 

Think your child has a learning disability? Start here >>

Results of Brain Training for Students with Learning Disabilities

At LearningRx, we have more than 35 years of experience providing brain training to kids and adults with learning disabilities and differences. Our brain trainers help learners work on skills closely linked to conditions like ADHD, dyslexia, autism, and speech delays. We tailor our training plans to each client’s needs. We can create a one-of-a-kind learning plan for you or your child.

Between 2010 and 2018, more than 2,100 kids and teens with learning disabilities completed a brain training program at LearningRx. On average, these students improved their learning skills by 3.3 years!*

This kind of growth is amazing to watch, especially in kids who have often struggled or felt unsuccessful in school. 

If you are trying to find a way to support a student with learning disabilities and are not satisfied with the “this is the way it is” mindset, let us help you dig deeper and figure out what skills are holding your child back!

Click here to get started today.

*Results based on studies and surveys of past clients. You or your child may or may not achieve the same results.

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