
Brain Training for Right Brain and Left Brain Learning

Do you ever wish you could express yourself more creatively? Or solve problems with a practical, logical approach? Strengthening core cognitive abilities is the basis of brain training. At LearningRx, we know that anyone can hone their cognitive skills with dedicated, one-on-one training. That’s not just true for kids and teens—that’s true for adults, too. 

Many people worry that their cognitive skills are set in stone, but that’s simply not true. Our brains are constantly capable of building new pathways, learning skills, and discovering new potential. A similar misconception is the idea of the “left” and “right” brain. 

People often associate creativity and intuition with the right side of the brain, while rational thought and analysis are considered the territory of the left side of the brain. If you’re a more creative type, people may describe you as “right-brained,” whereas more logic-minded individuals are described as primarily “left-brained.” 

The truth is more complicated. In reality, scientists think we’re constantly relying on both sides of our brain when thinking, learning, or performing tasks. While certain functions are associated with specific areas of the brain—language is tied to the Broca’s area, as an example—these functions aren’t solely tied to one specific hemisphere

That means, if you’re a creative person, there’s no reason you can’t improve your analytical thinking skills—and if you’re more analytical, you can work on strengthening your creative abilities, too. Let’s take a look at a few activities that can help, including one-on-one brain training

Exercises for Left Brain and Right Brain Thinking 

3 Left Brain Exercises to Practice

Commonly associated “left brain” skills are abilities like language, logic, analysis, and rational thought. One way to advance these skills is through practiced brain training! But here are a few additional left brain exercises to try on your own: 

  • Tackle a puzzle. Puzzles of all types—from jigsaw puzzles to crosswords to brain teasers—are a great way to deploy your analytical skills.  
  • Pick up a book. Reading is a fantastic way to stimulate verbal and logical skills, allowing you to process, analyze, and think as you go.  
  • Play a strategy game. Board games like chess and checkers can help you practice logic and reasoning, planning, and problem-solving skills. Strategy-based video games count, too! 

3 Right Brain Exercises to Try Out

If you’re looking to improve your “right brain” skills, you may be looking to enhance your imagination, intuition, and artistic abilities. With that in mind, here are some right brain exercises to explore: 

  • Breathing exercises. Activities related to mindfulness can help to promote relaxation and calm, shutting out the more analytical, high-alert part of the brain.  
  • Make time for friends. Socializing with friends and family can be a great way to engage emotions, making you stay in the present while interacting with others. 
  • Pick up a sketchpad. It probably comes as no surprise that practicing artistic activities can encourage the creative juices! That’s typically true whether you’re creatively inclined or not.

Let’s take a look at how you can target these skills—and many others—through dedicated brain training. 

How Brain Training Targets Your Cognitive Abilities 

At LearningRx, we focus on targeting and strengthening cognitive skills through brain training. Some skills—such as logic and reasoning—may be associated with typical “left-brained” thinking, and some, like visual processing, are what you may think of as “right-brained” skills. This highly specific approach allows learners to target those areas where they wish to improve with great precision. 

Our one-on-one approach to brain training means we comprehensively assess each student’s existing skills and abilities first. Then, we’ll create a customized training plan, so learners can work on leveraging their existing strengths to make new gains.  

Discover Your Potential with Brain Training 

At LearningRx, we’re committed to helping every learner tap into their unique potential. We know that when students focus on improving their cognitive skills through one-on-one brain training, it can transform the way they think, learn, create, and approach the world. 

Learn more about our brain training programs for kids, teens, and adults. Find your local LearningRx by visiting us online, or start a conversation with our team by calling 1-866-BRAIN-01. 

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