
15 Years of Changed Lives!

15 Years of Changed Lives!

This month we are celebrating our Director of Training, Brad Olson, on 15 years with LearningRx in the Twin Cities!    Brad shares:

“I so enjoy working with students—from school-age kids learning to read to adults needing to reclaim skills lost to injury or illness. It’s such an exciting process to be a part of, supporting students as they push themselves to develop new skills and come to realize what they’re truly capable of. I can think of little that’s more gratifying!”

Over the years Brad has worked with hundreds of students and has such a passion to help individuals reach their potential.

Brad has worked with individuals from 5 years old to senior citizens to help them improve areas like reading (dyslexia) and reading comprehension, math skills, attention issues (ADHD), executive function, homework frustration, and traumatic brain injuries. 

One of Brad’s most prolific students was Ben Utecht, former Super Bowl Champion who was forced to retire due to his multiple concussions.  Ben was having trouble with attention issues, working memory and long-term memory.  Via Ben’s hard work and Brad’s training, Ben’s memory jumped from the 12th to the 98th percentile and his overall results were life changing!

We are so grateful for Brad’s efforts these years and would love if you are able to come celebrate with us or send him a note of congratulations. 

Come celebrate Brad’s anniversary with us on Thursday, August 15th from 5:30 – 7PM!

Take the First Step!

Contact us today to book an assessment and get started with LearningRx Eagan!