
Warning Signs of Learning Struggles to Watch For

We are now several weeks into the new school year, and it is important to know the warning signs of learning struggles to watch for in your child.  It is ideal to look for these warning signs so any learning struggles can be addressed early in the school year.

Below are several warning signs to look for that could be indicating learning struggles:

Changes in your child’s behavior:  This can show up in several forms, one of the most common being a lack of motivation.  Procrastination with homework.  High frustration levels or negative self-talk during homework sessions.  Expressions of feeling “dumb” or not good enough compared to their peers. 

Teachers may also see this in the classroom as students can withdraw from classroom activities, peers or certain school subjects where they are feeling frustrated or struggling.

Attention issues:  If you are hearing from your teacher that your child is having a hard time staying on task or is easily distracted, this can indicate a learning struggle.  You may even hear the words “ADHD” pop up as a possibility for your child.  Attention issues can be complex, but often academic difficulty can be the root cause of an attention issue.  Talking to their peers when they shouldn’t be or zoning out during academic tasks, is often a way students avoid difficult tasks.   If your child needs attention or ADHD help, it’s important to identify an intervention that will identify and address the root cause.  

Difficulty following directions:  Misunderstanding instructions or errors in following directions might point to difficulties in processing speed, comprehension or working memory.  As students get older and the academic content becomes more complex, these warning signs can turn into difficulties with reading comprehension, problem solving, organizations skills and careless mistakes in assignments or test taking.  If this is an area of difficulty, it is important to identify with this is a struggle for your child.

Homework battles with reading:  Younger students are often encouraged to read each evening to practice reading.  If your child struggles with reading fluency or reading comprehension, this can turn into a battle.  It is common for students to avoid difficult tasks, and avoiding reading is usually a sign that your child is having reading struggles.  In receiving reading help, it is critical to make sure you choose an intervention that goes beyond tutoring, which is usually just treating the symptom as it is doing more of the same (practicing reading).  It is critical to choose reading help that follows the Science of Reading and addresses the root cause.

If your child is struggling this school year, early intervention is important.  Usually, academic struggles show up as motivation issues and avoidance.  

If you are looking to identify why your child may be struggling, LearningRx in Eagan can help.  Call us today to schedule an initial cognitive skills assessment which is currently $100 off the standard price of $199.  This cognitive skills assessment will provide a wealth of information and insights to help you navigate your child’s learning and motivation difficulties.  The school year may not have started as hoped, but LearningRx in Eagan can help your child thrive yet this school year!

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Contact us today to book an assessment and get started with LearningRx Eagan!