Studying Help in LearningRX Jersey Shore North

At some point in a student’s life, they may need extra help studying. At LearningRx, we know that studying requires a solid foundation of cognitive skills, along with strong study habits. Our studying help programs focus on building these skills, allowing students to become stronger, more confident learners.

Studying help from LearningRx can improve learning and thinking skills in students of all ages and abilities. Our StudyRx® study skills program offers help with studying for middle school, high school, and college students.

Brain training can make learning and thinking easier at any grade level! Between 2010 and 2021, kids and teens who completed LearningRx training improved learning and thinking skills by 3.6 years on average. In surveys, parents of graduates have reported significant improvements in confidence, self-esteem, and academic achievement!

(Results based on studies and surveys of past clients. You or your child may or may not achieve the same results.)

How We Help with Studying

Personalized Training to Make Studying Easier

Studying requires a wide range of cognitive skills. The stronger these skills are, the more confident and independent students can be. The trouble is, studying skills are all interconnected. If students are having trouble with even one or two of these skills; it can stop them from reaching their true potential.

At LearningRx, we start by targeting and strengthening specific skills for each student. Our Brain Skills Assessment shows which skills are a student’s biggest strengths, while also pinpointing the areas where brain training can help with studying skills. We then design a custom training program for each student that focuses on these areas.

Brain Training for Studying Skills

LearningRx offers studying help through our StudyRx® learning program. This program helps students develop the skills and strategies they need to become strong, independent learners.

In addition to strengthening core brain skills, StudyRx® teaches strategies for:

  • Note taking
  • Organization
  • Time management
  • Memorization
  • Creative thinking
  • Study planning
  • Goal setting

During brain training, each student is partnered with a dedicated brain trainer. Each session includes a number of one-on-one mental exercises and brain games, designed to target and strengthen core skills. Our programs are designed to make gains as quickly as possible, while also building a strong foundation for future learning.

Brain Training or Study Tutoring?

Hiring a tutor is one of the most popular ways to help students study. But it’s not always the most effective option.

While tutoring can be highly effective for some students, others have just as much trouble studying with a tutor’s help. Often, these students need to strengthen core brain skills to make studying easier. That’s where brain training can help!

While tutoring focuses on what students learn, brain training focuses on how students learn. Instead of simply repeating what kids already heard in class, brain training gives them the skills and strategies they need to process, understand, and retain this information.

Find Studying Help with LearningRx

Studying should be challenging – in a good way! When students don’t need to worry about the quality of their notes, their memorization skills, or their ability to focus, studying becomes less stressful and more rewarding.

To get started with studying help from LearningRx, contact us for an initial conversation. We can help answer any questions you have about brain training and set up a Brain Skills Assessment for you or your child.

Take the first step toward stronger study skills! Contact LearningRx today for an initial conversation about studying help for you or your child.

Get Started with Brain Training Today!

Contact Your Local Brain Training Center to Book an Assessment.