Test Prep & Exam Prep in LearningRX Jersey Shore North
An upcoming test is enough to make anyone nervous. But when students have a strong foundation of cognitive skills, tests come with a lot less pressure! At LearningRx, our brain training programs can help anyone build these skills, offering a unique approach to test prep and exam prep.
Rather than simply repeating subject matter, we focus on the skills that students use for taking tests. Students with strong cognitive skills can study more easily and retain more information from study materials. When taking tests, these students are also better prepared to read questions accurately, process complex problems, and answer test questions with confidence!
By focusing on these core skills, brain training is a smart alternative to tutoring for test-takers who want to boost their overall cognitive performance.
Our programs have helped thousands of students improve cognitive skills, including kids, teens, and adults! We work with younger students who want to build lifelong test-taking skills, as well as students who are preparing for major admissions tests.
(Results based on studies and surveys of past clients. You or your child may or may not achieve the same results.)
Test Prep Brain Training
Personalized Training for Tests & Exam
Achieving high grades on tests and exams takes more than simply knowing the answers. Students also need strong skills in areas like:
- Study habits
- Reading and writing
- Logic and reasoning
- Sustained attention
- Short-term memory
- Long-term memory
- Mental processing
At LearningRx, our test and exam prep plans are focused on building these skills.
We start by having each learner take a Brain Skills Assessment. This tells us which skills could benefit from one-on-one training. We then create a custom brain training plan to target and strengthen these skills.
LearningRx can also customize brain training for certain types of tests. For example, if a learner is preparing for a test that focuses heavily on logic and reasoning, we can focus training on this specific skill set.
Brain Training for Test-Taking Skills
At LearningRx, test prep goes beyond reviewing notes and flash cards. Our brain training programs help students learn more easily, think more quickly, and boost their overall cognitive performance.
We achieve these results through one-on-one training. Students give their brain a workout through mental drills, games, and exercises that target specific cognitive skills.
Our approach is a lot like personal training. Instead of targeting muscle groups, we target skills like short-term and long-term memory, logic and reasoning, and how quickly your brain processes new information.
Brain Training or Test Prep Tutoring?
Hiring a tutor is one of the most popular ways to prepare for tests and exams. But it’s not the only way you can improve test scores.
Tutoring is focused on delivering information, so it’s a great way to spend more time with material or catch up on content that’s been missed. This makes tutoring a good choice for students who are confident in their test-taking skills and studying abilities, but who want one-on-one help when reviewing a specific subject.
Brain training is focused on strengthening the way you learn and think. Rather than spending more time with test subject matter, it builds learning and thinking skills students use for studying and test-taking. This makes brain training a great test prep option for students who want to improve these abilities, rather than simply rehearsing subject matter.
Build Test & Exam Skills with LearningRx
Want to work on your test-taking skills and boost your overall cognitive performance? With test prep training from LearningRx, you can develop stronger cognitive skills and learn strategies for successfully taking tests and exams.
Getting started with test and exam prep training is easy with LearningRx. We’ll have an initial conversation about your training goals, then schedule a Brain Skills Assessment. After that, we can get started with a personalized brain training plan.
Take the first step toward stronger test-taking skills! Contact LearningRx today for an initial conversation about test prep help for you or your child.