
ADHD help for adults

If you are seeking ADHD help for adults, LearningRx training can be a helpful option as ADHD is the most common diagnosis we work with – including school aged students and adults.  

Meet Kyle https://youtu.be/6dSEnYWwgfM?si=zIBUWqWoij1HoksG.  Kyle was diagnosed with ADHD in 1stgrade, but he did not train at LearningRx until he was 20 years old.  He was bright which helped him compensate for his diagnosis, but as he got older and expectations increased, he started to struggle.  He completed a rigorous college program with honors and Kyle credits his LearningRx training for helping him get through.  Since then, Kyle received five job offers and is working in a field he loves!  

Kendra had a similar experience.  Her ADHD diagnosis made it difficult to complete homework and test taking.  She came to LearningRx as a 26-year-old and she could feel how her training was improving her memory and enabled her to process much faster.   

LearningRx (952) 226-1115 Tutor Savage - Successful Student is now a Trainer -

LearningRx is not focused on providing medication or ADHD coaching, our focus is on strengthening attention skills and working to address how ADHD or attention issues manifest.  For example, for those with ADHD, one of the drivers can be slow processing speed – which was Kendra’s experience.  Even though Kendra was very bright, because she processed more slowly, her brain had to work harder to complete a task and she struggled to sustain her attention and tune out distractions. 

For Kyle, his attention issues showed up as weakness in working memory which is our ability to hold and organize our thoughts.  If you are consistently unable to stay on task, completing detailed tasks or tasks requiring multiple steps can be difficult and problem solving can be undermined and careless mistakes ensue.  

Maybe you or a loved one was diagnosed with ADHD as a child and you are still struggling.  Or maybe it was a recent diagnosis as an adult.  Regardless, LearningRx in Savage provides ADHD help for adults. It’s not too late to get help.  Call the Savage LearningRx center today to learn more.  

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