Mia Tischer – From Marathon Training to Brain TrainingA life changing realization came to Mia Tischer while she was training for a marathon. It dawned on her that if the body could be trained to enhance physical performance, why couldn’t the brain could be trained to enhance mental performance? Shortly after that realization, Mia made the decision to partner with LearningRx, a brain training franchise, opening a brain training center in Naperville, Illinois. “My background is in social services working with adults and children with disabilities,” Tischer said. “I have a passion for helping others who are struggling.” According to Tischer, the range of people who are benefitting from her services is impressive. “We help kids and adults with learning struggles, autism, ADHD, dyslexia and more,” she explains. “We also help high-achieving students and successful adults looking for a competitive edge at school or on the job. Finally, we help seniors wanting to stay sharp, victims of strokes or traumatic brain injuries seeking to regain lost brain function.” She adds, “As a culture, we value physical fitness. I want to build a culture of brain fitness.” Read the rest of the article to learn more, including why Tischer says that, from her experience, “tutoring is a Band-Aid.”