Personal Brain Training May Help Combat the Covid Slide Did you know that experts are predicting that students will likely lose twice as much during the Summer Slide due to Covid-19 school closures? It’s true. Normally, the Summer Slide–significant learning losses over school recess–is cause for concern on its own. But now we’re facing a magnified educational crisis because of the effects of the pandemic, including the sudden shift to distance learning during the end of the 2019-2020 school year. Just look at these alarming statistics: According to research by the Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA), “COVID-19 Slide” projections suggest that students will return to school in the fall of 2020 with only : • 70% of the learning gains in reading • less than 50% of the learning gains in math and, (and in some grades, nearly a full year behind!) But there’s good news. LearningRx personal brain training can strengthen the cognitive skills that make up IQ. This brain skills include auditory and visual processing, attention, logic & reasoning, memory and processing speed. Their strength determines how well our brain thinks, reads, pays attention, reads and reasons. At LearningRx, we start with a digital assessment to identify the “why” behind cognitive struggles. Using these results, we create a one-on-one brain training program. Our graduates have seen dramatic gains in brain performance! Just check out some of results here: Ready to get started with a cognitive skills assessment? Contact your nearest LearningRx center via