
20 Learning-related Acronyms

Learning is about more than your ABCs. In fact, we’re spelling out an entire list of acronyms (a word formed from the first letter of other words) related to education and learning.

ACT: American College Testing

What it is: A national college admissions exam

ADD/ADHD: Attention Deficit/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

What it is: A learning struggle associated with weak attention skills – and sometimes accompanied by hyperactivity

AP: Advanced Placement

What it is: College-level curriculum offered in high school

ASD: Autism Spectrum Disorders

What it is: Complex disorders of the brain that create difficulties in social interaction and verbal and nonverbal communication, sometimes accompanied by repetitive behaviors

AYP: Adequate Yearly Progress

What it is: Whether a school (or student) has met the standard requirements

CAPD: Central Auditory Processing Disorder

What it is: A disorder characterized by an inability to process the information being heard

DD: Developmental Delay

What it is: A lag in hitting typical physical, cognitive, behavioral, emotional or social milestones

ECSE: Early Childhood Special Education

What it is: Individualized instruction and services for those (usually) 3 to 5 years old

ESL: English as a Second Language

What it is: A program that teaches English to non-native speakers

GPA: Grade Point Average

What it is: An average of a student’s letter grades (e.g. A=4.0, B=3.0)

GT: Gifted and Talented

What it is: A term for students with an exception level of aptitude

IEP: Individualized Education Program

What it is: A customized set of steps and goals to help a struggling student excel

LD: Learning Disability

What it is: A difficulty learning in the “typical” manner

OCD: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

What it is: An anxiety disorder characterized by repetitive behaviors aimed at reducing fear or worry

ODD: Oppositional Defiant Disorder

What it is: An ongoing pattern of hostile behavior and disobedience beyond the norms of typical childhood tantrums

PP: Paraprofessional

What it is: Often, a teacher’s assistant who has been trained to help students with learning struggles

PSAT: Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test

What it is: A practice test for future college admissions exams like the SAT and ACT

SAT: Scholastic Aptitude Test

What it is: The most widely used college admissions exam

SLI: Speech/Language Impairment

What it is: An ongoing primary spoken communication disorder

STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

What it is: An interdisciplinary approach to teach science and mathematics by integrating technology and engineering into curriculum that is driven by exploratory learning and problem-solving

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