LearningRx Atlanta - Buckhead News

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

8 Ways Playing an Instrument Helps Your Child’s Brain

Thanks to the National Association for Music Education (NAfME), March has been “Music In Our Schools Month” for 40 years. The designation aims to increase awareness of the benefits of high-quality music education programs in U.S. schools and support equitable access to these programs.  If your child has been thinking about taking up an instrument—whether ...

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10 Reasons Your Child Won’t Read for Fun

Like many well-intentioned parents, you provide ample opportunities for your child to read, supplying them with books from the library or on their own bookshelves… But why hasn’t your vision of a voracious reader—one who defies the rules of bedtime to enjoy one last story with a flashlight under the covers—come to fruition? Truth be told, ...

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7 Ways to Give Struggling Students a Fresh Start in 2025

Beyond the “New Year, New Me!” hype around resolutions and goal setting, there’s some concrete reasoning for struggling students to feel like they get a fresh start in school after the new calendar year. For most K-12 schools, colleges, and universities, January signals the start of a new semester after the long holiday break. If ...

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15 Gift Ideas for Children With Autism

Shopping for holiday or birthday gifts for children with autism? When choosing presents, you’ll want to factor in the child’s developmental level, interests, and sensory needs—the latter of which can include sensory-seeking and sensory-avoiding behaviors. Whether you’re looking for an educational toy, a sensory-friendly activity, or a therapeutic experience that feels like fun, here are ...

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7 Ways to Boost Kids’ Brain Skills Over Holiday Breaks

Holiday breaks can feel like a welcome relief for busy families, but for kids who are used to a jam-packed schedule of school, sports, music lessons, or after-school clubs, boredom can set in. If you’re looking for some activities to help fill time over holiday breaks while also boosting your child’s brain skills, we’ve got ...

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25 Essential Items to Include in Your Next College Care Package

Now that your young adult is off at college, you may be looking for ways to support them from home. The traditional care package is a fun and relatively affordable way to treat your young adult to a surprise with thoughtful gifts and snacks that can serve as a pick-me-up and reminder that they’re in ...

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Deciphering Feedback from Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent-teacher conferences are a great way to get feedback about your student beyond just the grades you see on quizzes, homework, and report cards.  Depending on your child’s age, school, and the time of year, you may be able to learn about their standardized test scores, any academic progress or challenges they have, their behavior ...

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5 Surprising Facts About ADHD (And What They Mean for Your Student)

ADHD is often misunderstood. However, understanding some of the underlying causes and expressions of the disorder can be a major help for families facing this diagnosis! Here are five facts about ADHD that may surprise you: #1: Attention is NOT the weakest skill in most people with ADHD. Research has determined that in ADHD cognitive ...

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10 Ways to Ease the Transition to Middle School

Plenty of TV shows and movies have highlighted the social awkwardness that characterizes the transition to middle school. There’s a unique anxiety that comes from a perfect storm of first crushes, puberty, added academic responsibilities, and a constant pull toward independence.  So how can parents best support their recent elementary school graduates as they prepare ...

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10 Travel Games to Boost Cognitive Skills on Your Family Trip

If you’re heading out on a family trip this summer and want to keep your kids’ brains engaged in the car, at the hotel, or on the campsite, we’ve got some suggestions that span a variety of ages and interests. These travel games aren’t just about entertainment; they can actually help boost cognitive skills—the core ...

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