Brain Training Articles & News, Page 4

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Autism and Cognitive Skills Development: 4 Things You Need to Know

For children on the autism spectrum, learning doesn’t come easy. They commonly struggle with weak cognitive skills which make taking in information difficult and sometimes impossible. Facilitating the learning process for your autistic child starts by understanding these cognitive weaknesses and seeking early intervention to boost these skills. Here are four things we think you ...

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LearningRx: Brain Training for High Performers

Is your child a strong student who is driven by excellence? That’s fantastic! Does this mean that your child can’t benefit from brain training at LearningRx? Absolutely not. Brain training capitalizes on high-performing habits and boosts your child’s performance to an even greater degree. And the benefits of brain training extend beyond the classroom and ...

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The Importance of Testing and How LearningRx Can Help

Some of the most important skills your child will need during their primary, secondary and college years (and likely beyond!) are solid test-taking skills. When these skills are lacking, students are easily frustrated with school and teachers and parents can wrongfully assume that they aren’t grasping the information they’re being taught. However, test taking requires ...

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Unlock Your Child’s Potential Naturally

It’s hard watching your child not reach the incredible potential that you know in your heart they’re capable of, isn’t it? Watch the below video our our dear friend Dr. Taz discuss learning behavior chemistry and how LearningRx programs can help your student achieve their goals.

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