LearningRx Charlottesville Blog

Young Adult Brain Injury Recovery: Getting Your Life Back

After a TBI or concussion, it can be hard to adjust to a new “normal.” Your brain has changed, and every area of your life has been impacted. Brain injury recovery can happen quickly for some individuals; however, for others, there are long-term effects that have to be managed.  Did You Know… Brain injuries are ...

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3 Active Studying Strategies to Help Students Take Ownership of Their Learning

When it comes to middle school, high school, and college, it’s so important for kids to begin the process of taking ownership of their study sessions. Passive studying (like reviewing notes) is not sufficient for most learners. Instead, it’s critical that students learn strategies to actively engage with the material they’re trying to learn so ...

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Signs of Weak Executive Functioning and How to Build These Skills

Executive functioning skills play a crucial role in our daily lives, affecting our ability to plan, organize, make decisions, and focus on tasks effectively. Whether you’re a student, a working professional, or simply looking to enhance your cognitive abilities, mastering executive functioning can significantly improve your overall productivity and performance.  Understand the Fundamentals of Executive ...

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Tips to Improve Reading Fluency

Reading fluency is a crucial skill that plays a significant role in academic success and overall comprehension. Fluent readers can effortlessly decode and understand text, making the learning process smoother and more enjoyable. If your child struggles to read fluently, here are some things to consider. Why is Reading Fluency Important? Reading fluency is vital ...

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5 Ways to Get Your Kids to Work More Independently

Getting kids to work independently can be a huge battle. One of the biggest things we hear from parents is that they wish their kids would just get their work done without having to be told what to do on each step… That homework would just happen when it needs to, without constant reminders…That they;d ...

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Don’t Ignore These Back-to-School Warning Signs of Learning Struggles

As children head back to school, it’s crucial for parents and educators to be aware of potential learning struggles that might hinder their academic progress. Recognizing the warning signs early on can help address the issues and provide the necessary support to ensure children’s success.The red flags we cover in this blog should not be ...

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The Back-to-School Checklist No Parent Should Forget

This isn’t going to be a back-to-school checklist full of supply lists or scheduling recommendations. While those things are important, we believe that fostering a resilient, strong brain is THE top need our children have in today’s school system. They are constantly faced with an onslaught of information, peer pressure, stress, and busy-ness, and if ...

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Adult ADHD Solutions to Help You Focus

Adult ADHD can be a hindrance to feeling confident and successful in many areas of life. Struggling to focus and remember can leave you feeling frustrated and overwhelmed easily, and it’s hard to know where to turn for help. Neurodiverse adults have unique strengths and weaknesses, and knowing them is the first place to start! ...

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Does Your Child Need a Reading Tutor or Brain Trainer?

Reading struggles take a toll on kids (and their parents!) With more and more kids falling below grade level, fighting reading, and struggling to even decode words let alone comprehend them, it’s become common to seek outside support like a reading tutor.  Schools are overwhelmed with the learning loss of the last several years, and ...

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Fun Games to Build Memory Skills

Building memory skills is important, whether you’re 5 or 95+. Strong memory skills are critical for functioning well in all areas of life, including relationships, school, work, and your own personal life. Games can be a great tool to build cognitive skills like memory and grow your confidence! Types of Memory There are 2 main ...

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