LearningRx Charlottesville Blog

Spelling Struggles and the Brain

Spelling struggles are extremely common. The English language doesn’t do us any favors with its abundance of spelling “rules” and exceptions, but for kids especially, grasping accurate and confident spelling skills can feel unreachable. While in the digital age most spelling mistakes are fixed by autocorrect or that squiggly red line that pops up under ...

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5 Motivation Strategies to Keep Kids Engaged

Especially during seasons when there’s anticipation about what’s coming next or when school feels overwhelming, it can be hard to keep kids engaged in their work. Motivation is something that is difficult to teach. It really has to come from within in order to be effective, but that doesn’t mean you’re powerless to get your ...

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Brain Training & Autism

Individuals with autism experience the world in unique ways. The spectrum of experiences for individuals with ASD encompasses a wide variety of skills, needs, strengths, and weaknesses. While these unique perspectives are beneficial in some areas of life, individuals with autism often struggle in mainstream classrooms, as well as relationships and workplaces. One of the ...

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7 Math Games That Are Actually Fun

Math is one of those dividing forces in our world… either you love it or you don’t. You’re a “math person” or you’re not. Helping kids develop math confidence is so important so they begin to not fear this subject, and games are a great way to do that! Math games are a low pressure ...

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Brain Training During Traumatic Brain Injury Recovery

Traumatic brain injury recovery can be a long road. TBIs can have significant and long-lasting effects on a person’s cognitive abilities, and these changes may make it difficult to perform daily tasks and hinder their quality of life. However, research has shown that targeted brain training may be an effective method for improving cognitive function ...

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Brain Awareness Week: 4 Cool Things Your Brain Can Do

This year for brain awareness week, we’re sharing 4 mind-blowing facts about our favorite organ: the brain! Your brain is responsible for so much in your day-to-day life. Here are some amazing things you may not know about this hub of learning, thinking, and processing: Your brain can process a virtually unlimited amount of new ...

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Is It Math Anxiety or Dyscalculia?

Math is one of those subjects that divides people. Either you’re a “math person” or you’re not. You love it or you hate it. Whichever camp you fall into, having a child who struggles with math can be overwhelming at times. Homework sessions are tear-filled, they just don’t “get it” no matter how many times ...

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Proof of Progress: What to do When You Don’t See Growth

As we embark on new endeavors and set goals for ourselves, it can be disheartening when we don’t see progress right away. But the truth is, progress often comes in small increments, and it can be hard to see the bigger picture when we’re focused on the day-to-day. In homeschool circles especially, this question of ...

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“Your Child Will Read When They’re Ready” and Other Reading Myths

Chances are you’ve heard at least one of these before (and to be honest, maybe you’ve even said them). While well-intentioned, often, adhering to any of these reading myths can hold your child back from growing in his or her reading skills as quickly or as easily as possible. Reading Myths You May Have Heard ...

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10 Things You Can Do to Keep Your Brain Healthy

Your brain is one of the most important organs in your body. Its system of neurons, neurochemicals, and core skills govern every other part of your body AND the way you are able to interact with the world around you. Doing some simple things can help keep your brain healthy so that, whether you’re 5 ...

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