LearningRx Colorado Springs Blog

The Cognitive Skills Essential for Reading Comprehension

Which Cognitive Skills Affect Reading Comprehension? Reading is made of two main skills – reading the individual words and understanding the message the words convey. Successful reading comprehension requires students to be able to complete both halves of the task, which takes multiple cognitive skills.  To successfully read individual words, students need to have strong ...

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How Brain Training Helps with Confidence

Confidence sets people apart and can improve their resilience. Some studies even suggest that confidence is the central factor in how much a person achieves during their lifetime. For naturally confident people, that’s great news. But what about people with low self-esteem? Thankfully, in the same way that we can train our bodies to be ...

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Help Your Child Finish the School Year Strong with these Tips

The ongoing COVID pandemic has caused a certain level of exhaustion among most people. But for parents and teachers, the pandemic has caused extra fatigue – especially with distance learning or wondering if your child’s school will be the next to shut down.  Combine COVID fatigue with the typical exhaustion that comes at this point ...

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Success Stories From 2021 — LearningRx in Action

As we reach the end of 2021, we’d like to take a moment to appreciate all that has happened here at LearningRx throughout the year. Our clients accomplish astounding things each year, and every one of them is worth celebrating. The following are just a few examples of the effect that LearningRx’s programs can have ...

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Our Top 5 Most Frequently Asked Questions About Brain Training

Determining if brain training is right for you or a loved one is a big decision — there are many factors involved in improving learning and comprehension skills. Over 35 years of research and development at LearningRx, we have gained significant insight into brain training, enabling us to create programs that target specific problems and ...

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What Is the Difference Between ADD and ADHD?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurological condition that results in a variety of symptoms involving attention, impulse control, and hyperactivity. The group of symptoms and behaviors caused by ADHD have been recognized as far back as 1902, though the name for the disorder has changed over time. In their most recent national survey ...

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Could My Child Have a Learning Disability? 15 Signs to Watch For

Learning disabilities (also called learning disorders) are common — it’s estimated that 8-10% of children under 18 in the U.S. may have some kind of learning disability. Children with learning disorders can have difficulty reading, writing, or doing simple math, and may struggle with auditory or visual processing. Many children struggle in school long before ...

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Solid Time Management Skills for Middle School Students

Between school, extracurricular activities, spending time with family and friends, and getting enough sleep, today’s students are busy (and so are their parents!). Learning to manage the limited study time they have will help your children use their time more efficiently and learn more effectively. Good time management skills also help keep stress at bay: ...

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What is a TBI, How Can it Affect the Brain and What Can Be Done to Boost Cognitive Skills?

A traumatic brain injury, or TBI, occurs when the brain is severely jarred or penetrated, causing damage to nerves and impairing function. The consequences of a TBI are determined by which parts of the brain sustain the injury. Anatomy of the brain The brain is divided into two hemispheres—the right hemisphere and the left hemisphere. ...

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Summer Learning Disguised As Fun! Tips and Ideas For Your Family

For most children, summer means fun — and learning doesn’t always fit that description. But it’s important to keep your children learning throughout the summer months so they don’t lose what they worked hard to learn during the school year. The trick is to incorporate fun activities that sneak in a bit of learning. Make ...

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