LearningRx News Blog

Bad Report Card? There’s Hope for Struggling Learners

Report cards. Seldom have two words caused such anxiety for both students and parents. For some, poor grades can reflect feelings of inadequacy (as a student or a parent), worries about being held back a grade, or fears of not getting into a good college. Who’s to blame for learning struggles? For parents, these fears ...

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25 Tips to Help Your Student Succeed This Year

Transitioning from a summer of sleeping in, playing all day and staying up late, to a strict school regime with homework and tests is tough for anyone. Factor in things like ADHD, multiple extracurricular activities and a new teacher (and, sometimes, a new school!), and you’ve got the recipe for homework struggles. So what’s a ...

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Outside the Box: 10 Gifts to Give Your Children Today that Will Help Them Tomorrow

Just because it’s wrapped in pretty paper doesn’t mean it’svaluable. Sometimes the best gifts aren’t appreciated until thechild is older because they’re not “hands-on” toys,clothes, or accessories. Here are 10 gifts that are worthy of your financial or time investmenttoday because they “pay off” (sometimes literally, sometimesfiguratively) in the long run. Responsibility. Have you ever ...

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Maintaining Your Brain

Although it’s generally believed that Polish neuroscientist JerzyKonorski coined the term “plasticity” in 1948 to describethe brain’s ability to experience permanent functional transformations,it wasn’t until the 1990s that the scientific community began acceptingthe implications of “neuroplasticity.” The idea of the brain being able to change and adapt has always seemedlike good news for an aging ...

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Arts and Smarts: The Correlation Between the Arts and Grades

When Lew Davis founded the da Vinci Academy in Colorado Springs, Colo., he made sure that the mission statement for the K-5 facility was clear:“…to successfully educate and enrich all learners through the integration of arts and sciences…” Davis was on to something. He knew that by infusing visual arts, dance, drama, and vocal and ...

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Why “Free Play” Is Great For Your Kid’s Brain

Lots of activities are good for your kid’s brain: music lessons, board games, learning a second language, puzzles, and personal brain training. But unstructured play has taken a back seat in our ever-busy, high-tech world. Remember hide-and-seek, dress-up, restaurant, bike rides, roller skating, building snowmen and making up dance routines? That’s “unstructured.” (And fun!) And ...

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10 Brain-Boosting Travel Games for Under $10

Tired of hearing, “Are we there yet?” Prepare for the inevitable boredom that comes with a long car ride by stocking up on these brain-boosting travel games. Best of all, they’re all under $10! Travel Scavenger Hunt Card Game ($6.55 on Amazon.com) This pack of 54 scavenger hunt cards has kids looking for things like ...

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Introverts and Extroverts Have Different Brains

Most people think of themselves as either an extrovert or an introvert,and they often think it has to do with how outgoing or shy they are. And yet introversion and extroversion are actually based on where we getour energy. An easy way to tell if you’re an introvert or an extrovertis to answer this question: ...

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Autism Spectrum Disorder: Training Weak Cognitive Skills

In recent years, the medical community has broadened its reference of autism to Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Although the new term covers a wide range of deficits and functions, it provides no more insight into an individual’s cognitive abilities. One test that can help identify weak brain skills associated with learning struggles is a cognitive ...

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Autism Spectrum Disorder: Targeting Weak Brain Skills

Ask the average American what autism spectrum disorder (ASD) looks like and they’ll probably describe a smart kid who’s a math genius but has few communication skills. While that may be the case for some, there’s a reason they now refer to autism as a “spectrum.” In reality, the autism spectrum covers a wide range ...

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