LearningRx News Blog

Fall in love with reading … with FREE Nook Books from Barnes & Noble!

For many of us, our first love was reading. There was nothing like a trip to the public library, where we’d eagerly count our books to see if we’d reached the limit, making hard choices about which stories would have to wait until next time. The joy of reading is one we’d love to share ...

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Franchise Dictionary Magazine runs piece on LearningRx franchise

Franchise Dictionary Magazine ran a piece about LearningRx 1-on-1 brain training being featured in BOSS Magazine’s article about companies that “survived and thrived during the pandemic.” https://franchisedictionarymagazine.com/learningrx-brain-training-survives-and-thrives-during-pandemic-reports-boss-magazine/

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Sage Sense Franchise Advisors runs piece on LearningRx franchise

Sage Sense Franchise Advistors ran a piece about LearningRx 1-on-1 brain training being featured in BOSS Magazine’s article about companies that “survived and thrived during the pandemic.” https://sagesense.com/newsdetails.asp?NewsID=3872

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Franchise Konnect runs piece on LearningRx franchise

Franchise Konnect ran a piece about LearningRx 1-on-1 brain training being featured in BOSS Magazine’s article about companies that “survived and thrived during the pandemic.” https://www.franchisekonnect.com/newsdetails.asp?NewsID=3872

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Scio Group runs piece on LearningRx franchise

Scio Group ran a piece about LearningRx 1-on-1 brain training being featured in BOSS Magazine’s article about companies that “survived and thrived during the pandemic.” https://www.sciogroupllc.com/newsdetails.asp?NewsID=3872

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Franchise Options runs piece on LearningRx franchise

Franchise Options ran a piece about LearningRx 1-on-1 brain training being featured in BOSS Magazine’s article about companies that “survived and thrived during the pandemic.” https://www.franchiseoptionsllc.com/newsdetails.asp?NewsID=3872

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Solomun Franchise Consulting runs piece on LearningRx franchise

Solomun Franchise Consulting ran a piece about LearningRx 1-on-1 brain training being featured in BOSS Magazine’s article about companies that “survived and thrived during the pandemic.” https://www.solomunfranchiseconsulting.com/newsdetails.asp?NewsID=3872

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AMRA Franchise Consulting runs piece on LearningRx franchise

AMRA Franchise Consulting ran a piece about LearningRx 1-on-1 brain training being featured in BOSS Magazine’s article about companies that “survived and thrived during the pandemic.” #

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Franchise Source runs piece on LearningRx franchise

Franchise Source ran a piece about LearningRx 1-on-1 brain training being featured in BOSS Magazine’s article about companies that “survived and thrived during the pandemic.” https://franchise-source.com/newsdetails.asp?NewsID=3872

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Sound Franchising runs piece on LearningRx franchise

Sound Franchising ran a piece about LearningRx 1-on-1 brain training being featured in BOSS Magazine’s article about companies that “survived and thrived during the pandemic.” https://soundfranchising.com/newsdetails.asp?NewsID=3872

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