LearningRx Reston Blog

7 Tips for Building Self-Esteem in Kids and Teens

Self-esteem is at the foundation of a child’s healthy development, and it’s crucial to foster it from an early age. However, it’s not always easy to do so, especially as kids and teens face many challenges and pressures in today’s world. But there are many things parents, caregivers, and educators can do to begin building ...

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Games that Build Attention Skills

Attention skills are important for success in school and in life. They allow us to focus on a task at hand, ignore distractions, and remember important information. For kids with ADHD especially, building attention skills can feel daunting. Games are a great tool to approach this skill weakness in a way that is low-pressure and ...

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How Cognitive Skills Impact Organization

Staying organized can be a challenge for many of us. It requires not only physical effort and time to keep up with organization strategies, but also cognitive skills such as attention, memory, and problem-solving. When these cognitive skills are weak, it can be difficult to maintain an organized environment. Some signs that weak cognitive skills ...

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A Fresh Start for Your Brain: 5 Ways to Protect Your Thinking and Memory

With the new year comes new goals for many of us. Whether you’re setting intentional resolutions or not, this can be a helpful time to establish some healthy routines and create a fresh start in areas that you have neglected recently. Whether for yourself or your kids, here are 5 things you can do this ...

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3 Holiday Brain Games to Challenge Your Memory

Looking for a fun way to engage a group this holiday season? What if you could challenge your memory and strengthen your thinking skills at the same time? These are opportunities for some brain games!  The best thing you can do to alleviate stress and open the door to easier learning is to make stretching ...

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5 Holiday Season Brain Hacks

The holiday season can be full of overwhelm and stress—but it doesn’t have to be! Check out these 5 brain hacks to help you feel more confident and in control in this season (and beyond): #1: Use Memory Strategies Whether you’re remembering peoples’ names at a holiday party, trying to remember your to-do list, or ...

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How Gratitude Impacts Your Brain

Gratitude impacts your brain at a biological level, and its implications are far-reaching for your ability to think and function on a daily basis. Studies continue to find that regular practices of thankfulness (not just during Thanksgiving) have long-lasting effects on your mood, brain, and body! Here are a Few Ways Gratitude Impacts Your Brain: ...

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5 Benefits of Jigsaw Puzzles for Your Brain

As the weather cools down and people are drawn inside, jigsaw puzzles are a great option to engage with your family and build some brain skills! Beyond being a calming, stress-relieving activity, here are 5 benefits of jigsaw puzzles for your brain: Puzzles engage both the left and right sides of your brain for better ...

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Specific Learning Disabilities: Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, and Dyscalculia

Estimates predict that up to 1 in 5 students has some form of learning challenge, including specific learning disabilities like dyslexia, dysgraphia, or dyscalculia. So what are these learning disabilities really (and what can you do to support your child’s learning after a diagnosis)? Specific Learning Disorder Experts use the term “specific learning disorder” to ...

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Dyslexia: Myths & Signs and How to Read More Confidently

Did you know that dyslexia affects 5-15% of all Americans? That’s somewhere between 14.5-43.5 million people in the U.S. alone. This common diagnosis is often thrown around in conversations among parents when kids reverse letters or struggle with reading, but do you really understand what it is? What Is Dyslexia Really? Dyslexia isn’t just letter ...

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