LearningRx Reston Blog

9 Games to Improve Working Memory

Working memory is a critical learning skill that helps kids take in and process information effectively. It’s like your mental “bucket” that holds onto information long enough to either apply it or store it for later recall. But for many kids (and adults), it’s like this bucket has holes in it. Bits and pieces slip ...

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6 Tips to Reduce Risk of Dementia

We all want to feel sharp, energized, and healthy as we get older. However, with conditions like dementia on the rise, it can be hard to know what the future holds. While there is no one “miracle” way to reduce risk of dementia, here are some tips that research shows to be effective: #1: Skip ...

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What Is the Science of Reading?

When you think of learning to read, what comes to mind? Likely it is one of two things: phonics or sight words (or maybe something of a combination). These 2 main approaches have been at war for decades. New research published as the Science of Reading shows a clear winner: kids need strong phonological processing ...

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What Makes Kids Mentally Strong?

Mentally strong kids are confident in their own worth and value and are not as easily swayed by peer pressure, hard circumstances, or failures. Instead of succumbing to negative thoughts, mentally strong kids are resilient and able to see the big picture of what really matters. Raising mentally strong kids can seem daunting. Different personalities, ...

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The Dangers of Waiting To Get Reading Help for Struggling Students

When do you get reading help for your child who is struggling, and when do you give it more time? This is a question that comes up often in our conversations with families. You don’t want to rush your child into a skill they aren’t mature enough to master, but you also don’t want to ...

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Top 5 Benefits of Being Bored for Kids

If your kids complain about being bored, you may be tempted to sign them up for more activities and to fill their schedules with things that will keep them busy. But the reality is that boredom is a powerful growth point that kids need to get comfortable with! Making boredom more normal is important for ...

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5 Family Game Night Favorites to Improve Reading Skills

If your child reads below grade level or struggles with sounding out words, comprehension, or fluency, playing games may be a great way to help them get a boost! Reading and spelling are complex skills that require a network of cognitive skills. But if your child struggles in any of these areas, these tasks will ...

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Keeping Your Brain Happy: 10 Ways to Improve Your Mood and Think More Clearly

Your brain is central to every part of your life, and keeping it balanced, happy, and healthy is critical to function at your best. But keeping your brain happy doesn’t just mean taking a spa day or “treating yourself.” Here are some practical, daily tips to boost your mental health so you can think more ...

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FAQs from Parents of Kids who Struggle with Reading

Lots of kids struggle with reading. In a time where we are still reeling from the effects of the pandemic and figuring out what a “new normal” is going to look like, young kids especially are facing the consequences of disrupted school years. More than 1 in 3 kids are needing remedial reading support in ...

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“Is It Too Late for My Child to Catch Up?” How to Help Kids who are Below Grade Level

This is a question we hear often, especially after the disruption the last 2+ years have caused for kids in school. Many kids are registering as being “below grade level” in subjects like math and reading, and the stress of trying to keep up has taken its toll on kids and parents alike.  It’s easy ...

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