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Gibson Institute of Cognitive Research
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Richard Abbey, PhD
Christina Ledbetter, PhD
Amy Lawson Moore, PhD
Jeffrey Moore, BSN, RN
Bonnie Nicks, CCC-MS
Howard Wainer, PhD
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Unlock the Einstein Inside (E-Book)
4 Cognitive Stages for Child Development
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Staunton Harrisonburg
The Why Behind Late and Missing Assignments
Late and missing assignments can be a source of frustration for both parents and students. It’s not uncommon for teens to struggle with keeping track of their responsibilities, leading to last-minute cramming and subpar work. Instead of just nagging your child about making sure they’re getting all their work done, it can be helpful to ...
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2023 Smart Mom’s Toybox: The Good-for-Your-Brain Toylist
The holiday season is here, and maybe you’re looking for some fresh games, toys, and gift ideas for some of the people on your list! The Smart Mom’s Toybox is our collection of some of our favorite new (and old) games, toys, books, or activities that are exciting for kids and adults—and boost brain skills, ...
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5 Things People Say About Brain Training for Cognitive Decline
Strengthening cognitive skills as an adult is an important piece in protecting your brain function as you age. Research shows that mental stimulation is one of the biggest factors in protecting your brain as you age, and brain training’s targeted approach offers some unique benefits. If you suspect a family member or yourself to be ...
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Parent-Teacher Conferences: Questions to Ask to Identify the Root Cause of Your Child’s Struggles
Do you ever go into parent-teacher conferences and struggle to even know what questions to ask? Of course there are some obvious ones, but especially if your child is in the “average” group, it can be hard to get enough info from their teacher to really help you keep a pulse on how their learning ...
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Weak Cognitive Skills That are Common in Kids With Learning Disabilities
Learning disabilities can pose significant challenges for children as they navigate their academic journeys. While these challenges may vary depending on the specific learning disability, a common thread often exists in the form of weak cognitive skills. Cognitive skills are the brain-based abilities that enable us to process information, think, learn, and solve problems. In ...
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Tips to Help Your Teen Stay Organized and Study Smarter This School Year
As the new school year ramps up, the hustle and bustle of academic life is once again upon us. For teenagers, juggling classes, assignments, extracurricular activities, and social commitments can be quite overwhelming. Here are some tips to set them up for success and help your teen feel like they can stay organized and study ...
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Does Your Child’s Brain See Well? How Visual Processing Goes Beyond Eyesight
Visual processing is a critical skill for reading, comprehension, math and many other areas of learning. When you hear that term you may just think about your child’s eyesight, but the reality of this skill is much more complex. Visual processing is essentially what happens to the information your eyes send to your brain. If ...
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Back-to-School Tips to Expand Your Teen’s Confidence and Independence
We all want our kids to thrive in learning environments, but often there are things that get in the way. Whether it’s overwhelming classroom environments, lack of confidence, or other concerns, many teens tend to shut down or react negatively to school. This response isn’t obstinance or bad behavior—in almost every case, it’s a coping ...
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Ways to Increase Your Child’s Resilience
Your child’s resilience is their ability to bounce back in the face of adversity. While you may think of things like violence, bullying, sickness, and other big-life crises as adversity, the truth is that it can be much smaller than that. Learning struggles can be an adversity. Chronic stress can be an adversity. If your ...
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Stressed By Learning: How Learning Struggles Hijack the Brain
Learning struggles are a primary source of stress for kids. While you may think that they’re just “not trying,” are “lazy” or are just behind because of the state of schools, there are real biological reasons that kids who struggle in school feel inept and unprepared for what their days require of them. Building your ...
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