LearningRx Tysons Blog

Helping Kids Learn Math Facts: A Brain-Based Approach

Math can be a magical subject for some kids, while for others, it feels like a maze of numbers that never quite add up. If your child is in the latter camp, don’t worry—you’re not alone! Let’s explore some strategies that can help your kids learn math facts more easily, along with insights into how ...

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5+ Strategies to Help Kids who Struggle with Transitions

Transitions can be challenging for kids, especially those who struggle with change and unpredictability. Whether it’s moving from one activity to another, changing schools, or adjusting to new routines, these shifts can lead to anxiety, frustration, behavioral issues, and emotional outbursts. Helping kids who struggle with transitions should start with asking a question: WHY is ...

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Are You Losing Your Edge? 4 Signs of Slowing Processing Speed in Adults

One of the questions we often get is: how do I know if I’m losing my edge? Slowing processing speed is a major concern for adults, because cognitive decline is a scary road to walk. If you’re questioning your brain’s ability to keep up with the world, here are a few things to be on ...

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Vision Therapy vs. Training Visual Processing

When it comes to enhancing visual capabilities, terms like “vision therapy” and “training visual processing” are often used interchangeably. However, these two approaches, while related, have distinct differences in their methodologies, goals, and applications. Understanding these differences is crucial for selecting the right intervention for improving visual skills and cognitive performance. Signs of Visual Processing ...

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Tips to Support ADHD Kids Over the Summer

As the school year comes to a close, parents of children with ADHD may find themselves facing a new set of challenges. Without the structure of school, managing ADHD symptoms can become more difficult during the summer break. However, with the right strategies in place, parents can help their ADHD children thrive during these months ...

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Life Skills Teens Won’t Learn in School That They Need Before College

Making sure your teen is ready for college means more than just making sure they’re academically prepared (even though that’s vital, too). College and post-high school life can be a shock for many teens who are not used to managing their own lives in some key areas. Our biggest advice? Stop doing everything for your ...

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Digging Deeper into Cognitive Skills & ADHD (Beyond Attention)

When you hear ADHD, the first thing that comes to mind is probably attention struggles. After all it’s in the name, so that must be the biggest hurdle for people with ADHD to overcome, right? Actually, according to research, there is likely more going on under the surface. Yes, ADHD often presents as issues with ...

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Tips & Tricks for Mastering Multiple Choice Tests

Multiple choice tests are a big part of schooling and evaluations at all levels, from elementary school through college and beyond. But for many students, these tests are overwhelming and nerve-wracking. The best way to set yourself up for success in any exam situation is to study and prepare, but there are some helpful strategies ...

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A Key Cognitive Skill to Build in Individuals with Autism

When it comes to supporting learners on the autism spectrum, there are many different approaches and strategies to help them thrive. While individuals with autism have unique skill sets and strengths in many areas of life, there are also situations and skills that are often difficult due to differences in how the brain is wired. ...

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A Brain-Based Perspective on Managing Big Emotions & Outbursts

Do you have one of those kids who flies off the handle at the smallest disappointments or inconveniences? Big emotions can run the show in a lot of our households, and as parents, these are some of the most difficult situations to handle.  Why Is It Hard to Keep Your Cool? The brain has an ...

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