LearningRx Tysons Blog

Do These 3 Things to Focus Better, Remember More, and Protect Your Brain Health

Whether you’re a child learning to read or an adult feeling like you’re losing your edge, protecting the health of your brain is critical. We all wish we could focus better and remember more, but how do we do that? Here are some important places to start: #1: Build Cognitive Skills First The first question ...

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6 Memory Strategies to Help You Feel Smarter

When you hear something one time and store it away as a memory, you have one reference point with which to draw out that fact. But the more organization of thought, the more connections to prior knowledge, and the more vivid you are with your memory strategies, the more “threads” you will have connected to ...

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What’s Missing from the Science of Reading?

The Science of Reading is a great move towards phonics instruction and helping kids learn to read more effectively. In and of itself, it is going to really help some kids “get” reading—but how about those kids that still struggle? Here’s what we believe is missing from the Science of Reading… What the Science of ...

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Top Signs Your Child Needs Brain Training

If your child struggles this school year, you may be looking into options for ways to help them catch up (or even get ahead). While tutoring can be helpful in certain situations, for many struggling learners, brain training is what is truly going to help them bridge the gap to become successful! Here are some ...

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How to Get Your Brain Back-to-School Ready

The back-to-school season is here, and amidst your supply lists and schedule changes, don’t forget about prepping your child’s brain for the year ahead! All learning happens because of cognitive skills that process the world around you. If your child’s brain is lagging in any of these areas, school is going to be harder than ...

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Build a Strong Cognitive Foundation & Make Sure Your Child Is Ready to Learn

Getting your child ready to learn in school requires lots of different areas of focus. Are they socially, emotionally, developmentally, and mentally ready for the challenges that are coming? We would argue that one of the most important areas that you can look at is your child’s cognitive abilities. All learning requires cognitive skills, from ...

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Summer Reading Red Flags

If you and your child are working through a summer reading program, it is such a great opportunity for you as a parent to take stock of their learning skills. Are they reading on level, remembering what they read, and (most important) having fun doing it? If any of these areas are lagging this summer, ...

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Simple Habits That Improve Brain Function

From childhood through your aging years, keeping your brain function in tip-top shape and supporting sharp thinking are important aspects of your whole-body wellness. The things you do daily can help you feel sharp, capable, and confident—or confused and frustrated. For kids, these are habits that are important to instill early so they can develop ...

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Improve Your Child’s Reading Comprehension Skills with These 7 Tips

Does your child dread reading? Do they complain about it, saying that it’s “boring”? For many kids who struggle to stay motivated with reading, it’s because their reading comprehension skills are not as strong as they could be. After all, if you sat down and did the work to sound out and decipher a whole ...

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How Brain Training is Different Than Tutoring for Struggling Students

If your child is performing below grade level in school, the natural first response is likely to hire a tutor. While this is the right course of action in some scenarios, the reality is that tutoring is not going to solve your child’s learning struggles.  What tutoring does is re-delivering information. But what if your ...

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