LearningRx Woodbury Blog

Improving Attention Skills

We work with many individuals who struggles with attention issues or diagnosed with ADHD – combined type or inattentive. Lupe came to us due to these difficulties.  Usually, when students struggle with attention (ADHD), it is due to a combination of other weaknesses that manifest as attention issues.  The most common being processing speed.  When cognitive skills are ...

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Can a Student Go From Hating School to Loving School? 

Fabian and Mary Kay sought out LearningRx when their son, Nathan, was going into 8th grade.  Nathan had consistently struggled in school. He had difficulties with reading, writing and attention. His parents biggest concern was that he was frustrated and hated school.  Given he was approaching high school, they were desperate to see improvement.  He lacked confidence ...

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If Your Child is Struggling, You Have 3 Main Options

Accommodate Accommodations are a passive strategy that accepts the current struggles as permanent, and copes by lowering expectations or using medications (like ADHD medication) to control behavior. An IEP would be an example of this.   For example, when a child is diagnosed with ADHD, they often receive accommodations that allow them to do their work in ...

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School Psychologist Turned LearningRx Researcher!

School Psychologist Turned LearningRx Researcher! Evan struggled with reading and spelling. His mom, Amy, was a school psychologist and they had tried various ways to help him.  The issue became urgent when Evan’s spelling continued to decline.  It was determined that the root cause of Evan’s difficulties was low auditory processing.  He struggled to blend and discriminate sounds ...

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Why Some Students Never Catch-up

When a child continues to fall behind in areas like reading or math, catching up can be difficult. In fact, there are studies that show that if a child is not at grade level in reading by the end of the 3rd grade, only 25% ever catch-up. The most common reason is that most school ...

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Why Working Memory is Important!   Wait, What Are We Talking About?

Working memory is a critical skill that can undermine an individual’s abilities.  In fact, some argue that working memory — even more than overall IQ – is the greatest predictor of academic success. The NIH defines working memory as, “The retention of a small amount of information in a readily accessible form. It facilitates planning, ...

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The ADHD Research Says…. 

The ADHD Research Says….  ADHD is the most common diagnosis we work with at LearningRx. In fact, we have two peer-reviewed studies published related to our work with students with ADHD/attention issues.  In the Journal of Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, the research showed an average gain of 26 IQ points, improvements across all cognitive skills and improvements ...

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Time to Catch Up! 

Is your child behind in reading or math? A recent article published in The Washington Post entitled “National Test Scores Plunge, With Still No Sign of Pandemic Recovery” reported that average math and reading scores across the country have plummeted.  But most concerning is that the hardest hit were those students who were already struggling ...

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Dyslexia and Reading Help That Works

If you have a loved one struggling with reading, all areas of life are impacted. It’s not just about school—weak reading skills also impact confidence, self-esteem, performance in real-life situations, and more. Cognitive skills are not just important for school. They are important for life. Especially for kids with reading struggles, it can be hard to know where ...

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Take the First Step!

Contact us today to book an assessment and get started with Learning Rx!