
The Truth About IEPs and Accommodations: Are They Really the Right Solution for Your Struggling Student?

As parents, we want to give our children every opportunity to succeed. When school becomes a struggle, it’s only natural to seek out solutions that can ease their path. For many students, that solution comes in the form of an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or classroom accommodations. These tools are designed to provide support, level the playing field, and help students manage their academic challenges.

But what if the support your child is receiving isn’t addressing the root of the problem?

The Limits of IEPs and Accommodations

IEPs and accommodations are incredibly valuable for many students, offering adjustments like extra time on tests, modified assignments, or specialized instruction. These adjustments can make a significant difference in a student’s day-to-day experience at school, helping them cope with the symptoms of their learning difficulties. 

However, it’s important to recognize that these solutions are often temporary fixes rather than permanent solutions.

IEPs and accommodations can help students navigate their current challenges, but they rarely target the underlying cognitive skills that are causing those struggles in the first place. 

For example, if a student struggles with reading comprehension, an accommodation might allow them extra time on reading assignments. But without strengthening the cognitive skills involved in processing and understanding information, the struggle remains, and the need for accommodations continues year after year.

This approach is akin to putting a band-aid on a deeper wound—it covers up the problem, but doesn’t address the root cause.

Read More: Things to Think About When Considering Classroom Accommodations >>

Addressing the Root Cause with Cognitive Skills Training

At LearningRx, we take a different approach. We understand that learning struggles often stem from weak cognitive skills—like memory, attention, or processing speed—that make it harder for students to grasp and retain new information. Instead of simply accommodating these weaknesses, we work to strengthen them.

Our brain training programs are designed to target the root cause of learning difficulties, helping to build up the cognitive skills that are essential for successful learning. By focusing on these foundational abilities, we can help students not just get by in school, but truly thrive.

This is not a quick fix, and it takes time and commitment. However, the results have been transformative for so many families who felt like they had nowhere else to go. Students who have struggled for years have experienced significant improvements, gaining the confidence and skills they need to close the learning gap and succeed academically.*

There is Hope for Your Child

If you’ve been feeling frustrated or discouraged by your child’s ongoing academic challenges, it’s important to know that there are options beyond IEPs and accommodations. While these tools have their place in the short-term, they don’t have to be the end of the road.

At LearningRx, we’re here to help you and your child explore a different path—one that leads to lasting improvement and greater independence in learning. With the right support, it’s possible to address the root causes of learning struggles and help your child build a stronger foundation for future success.

*Results based on past client testimonials and research studies. Individual outcomes may vary.

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