
3 Reasons to Invest in Brain Training for Kids

When your child is struggling in a learning environment, you’ll want to explore options for one-on-one support. But many parents wonder if brain training for kids is a worthwhile investment in your child’s learning process. 

We’re going to explore that question in greater detail—but first, let’s talk about brain training. 

This form of one-on-one support is focused on strengthening core cognitive skills like focus, logic and reasoning, and processing speed. These are the skills tied to effective learning, thinking, reading, and remembering. Similar to how personal training activates muscle groups, brain training relies on drills and games to target and hone foundational brain skills.  

With that in mind, is brain training for kids worth it? Let’s take a look.  

Why Consider Brain Training for Kids?

3 Reasons to Consider Brain Training for Kids

Why do parents turn to brain training for kids? Here are a few ways it can be distinguished from other forms of one-on-one support, like tutoring: 

  • A different approach. First and foremost, brain training can be a breath of fresh air for kids who struggle in the classroom space. With a more dynamic, intense approach, as well as sessions packed with games and drills, it’s a far cry from school or even tutoring.  
  • Early skill-building. When you get started with brain training for kids, it’s a fantastic way to encourage skill-building at an early age. The foundational learning skills honed during brain training sessions can help students well beyond school, supporting them well into their careers and adult lives.
  • Celebrates neurodiversity. For kids with cognitive differences, like ADHD, autism, or dyslexia, having a welcoming space can be crucial. We champion neurodiversity, celebrating students’ existing strengths while working on areas where they want to improve. 

How Learners Benefit from LearningRx 

When it comes to brain training for kids, the results can be illuminating. Students who’ve previously graduated from a LearningRx program have improved their thinking and learning skills by 3.5 years on average*!

Beyond these reported learning gains, here’s a few potential highlights: 

  • Fostering independence. By cultivating students’ brain skills, we help to foster independence in learning, thinking, studying, and reading. Through subject-specific programs like studying help and homework help, we can even build practical strategies for completing goals, time management, and organization. 
  • Encouraging challenges. When kids are empowered to take on challenges, it can encourage resilience, problem-solving, and persistence. With the support of a one-on-one trainer, brain training for kids can help build these character traits that will serve them throughout their lives. We encourage learners to tackle new challenges without getting overwhelmed.   
  • Builds confidence. At LearningRx, we take a strength-based approach to brain training, helping learners to leverage their strengths in order to tap into new skills. It can be a great way to gain confidence—backed by regular positive reinforcement, feedback, and support from a trusted trainer!  

(*Results based on studies and surveys of past clients. You or your child may or may not achieve the same results.)

Tap Into New Abilities with One-on-One Brain Training

When kids have a tough time in school, they can easily become demoralized by the learning process. That’s where brain training for kids can be especially meaningful. 

With a positive, hands-on approach to skill-building, brain training can be a game-changer for students of all ages. As they progress through their personalized program, learners can improve their cognitive skills. And when as learners improve, they can discover new strengths and abilities in the process. It’s a wonderful opportunity for kids to get re-energized by the learning process! 

From subject-specific help—like math help and reading help—to programs for improved learning, studying, and test-taking, we offer a wide range of options for kids and teens. We’re committed to helping every child unlock their unique potential.

Want to learn more about brain training for kids? You can always get started by finding your local LearningRx online—or, contact us today at 866-BRAIN-01 to discuss your learner’s needs. 

Take the First Step!

Contact us today to book an assessment and get started with Learning Rx!