
Find Help with ADHD at LearningRx

When your learner is diagnosed with ADHD, it may help to explain many of the challenges they’ve faced over the years—at school, at home, and elsewhere. The common features of ADHD, such as impulsivity, forgetfulness, and executive dysfunction, can present significant difficulties at any age. But finding the root cause of your learner’s challenges is often just the start. You may be wondering, what can I do to help with ADHD? 

These are conversations you’ll want to have in conjunction with your child’s educators, their medical team, and your learner, too. The goal is to support your child while helping them build the practical skills, strategies, and abilities they’ll need to support themselves in the future. 

Finding the right help with ADHD means understanding where your child is struggling. To start with, let’s take a look at a few common learning challenges related to ADHD. 

Supporting Learners of All Ages with ADHD 

Common Learning Challenges with ADHD

The symptoms of ADHD can present differently for everyone, so identifying your child’s specific learning challenges may require investigation. This is where observations from an understanding educator can make all the difference. Your learner may also be able to weigh in on areas where they feel frustrated or lost. 

Here are a few common examples of learning challenges with ADHD: 

  • They’re not engaged enough. When those with ADHD aren’t absorbed in what they’re learning, it can make the classroom that much more challenging. Whether they zone out or get restless, it’s often a sign that they’re bored or uninterested. 
  • There’s too much going on. Students with ADHD often struggle to filter out distractions while working. If there are loud noises, other activities taking place, or similar stimuli, they may find their attention wandering, despite their best intentions. 
  • They struggle with executive function. The many executive function challenges of ADHD can make it tough to stay motivated, be organized, and manage time. As a result, it’s not unusual for students to lose track of time, get overwhelmed, or struggle to complete independent learning. 

When you know where your child is facing difficulties, it’s that much easier to explore help with ADHD. They may require classroom accommodations, a quiet and distraction-free place to study at home, or additional support—like one-on-one brain training. 

How LearningRx Offers Help with ADHD

If your child hasn’t found much success with tutoring, they’re not alone. For students with ADHD, tutoring can recreate much of the frustration and difficulty of the classroom, even in a one-on-one context. 

In these situations, brain training may be able to help with ADHD. Here are three ways our programs can make a difference: 

  • Subject-specific support. Math and reading are two core areas where students face an uphill battle. Through our programs, we help learners of all ages build the foundational skills needed to tackle both of these subjects with greater confidence.  
  • Focusing on learning habits. The executive dysfunction associated with ADHD can make homework and independent learning especially stressful. We help students build practical strategies for setting goals, staying organized, and preparing for tests.  
  • Help with ADHD. For students who face challenges with focus or working memory, LearningRx may be the way to go! Through one-on-one brain training, learners target and hone these and other key cognitive skills. 

Get Help with ADHD Through One-on-One Brain Training

Everyone’s mind works differently—and while ADHD can present many challenges and frustrations, it can also be a source of creativity, enthusiasm, and curiosity. At LearningRx, we champion neurodiversity. It’s our aim to celebrate each learner’s specific strengths while helping them take on new challenges with confidence and support. 

For those who need help with ADHD, it can be a transformational approach to learning, thinking, and studying. We know that when students get re-energized about learning, it can open new doors and help them tap into their unique potential. If your student needs help with ADHD, find out how LearningRx can support them. Visit us online to find your local Brain Training Center, or simply give us a call at 1-866-BRAIN-01 today.  

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