
Gear Up for School with Math Skills Training

As the new school year approaches, you or your child may be worrying about their aptitude for math. Why not start the year with confidence by gearing up for school with brain training? Through our math help programs, we work on math skills training for kids and teens.  

There are many reasons kids struggle with math—whether they’ve cultivated a fear of math from peers, they deal with dyscalculia, they missed out on a few classes, or any number of other reasons. In these situations, students are dealing with an uphill battle beyond everyday math challenges. 

Math skills training is a great way to help kids feel empowered to learn confidently. At LearningRx, we take a one-on-one approach for every student, identifying where they struggle and where they excel, and then creating a personalized training regimen for each learner. For kids of all ages, it can be a transformational way to tackle math. 

To understand that better, let’s take a look at math skills training. 

Understanding Math Skills Training 

3 Basic Challenges of Math Learning 

When it comes to math skills training, students often hit a particular roadblock that makes learning especially fraught. Here are just three examples of common hardships for learners: 

  1. Fluency with math concepts. Math requires an enormous amount of fluency with specific concepts, such as seeing the world in quantities and numbers and thinking in mathematical terms. When kids struggle with this kind of fluency, math can be that much more difficult. 
  2. Progression in learning. Math often relies on deepening existing knowledge. For example, students must become familiar with shapes before they can properly understand how to solve for the perimeter of a shape. If kids haven’t grasped a previous concept, they can easily fall behind.  
  3. Problem-solving effectively. When tackling a math problem, students must break down complex equations or ideas into easy-to-solve pieces. This kind of approach to problem-solving can be overwhelming for many kids, making math that much more daunting. 

These kinds of common obstacles can be amplified for those with cognitive differences, like dyscalculia or ADHD. Whether your child has a cognitive difference or is facing a different kind of math struggle, it is worthwhile to consider math skills training. 

How We Focus on Math Skills Training

At LearningRx, we help students work on their core math skills through our math help programs. These training programs are always personalized based on a student’s skill level, as well as those areas where they wish to improve. 

With that in mind, here’s a few ways we can help learners improve their math skills training: 

  • Comfort with math. Through training, we focus on improving fluency with numbers, concepts, and quantities. Plus, we teach math skills and concepts in order, so kids can fill in any learning gaps. 
  • Tackling math problems. Our brain trainers encourage learners to confidently take on progressively challenging math problems. They’ll work on breaking equations or problems into smaller pieces, then reassembling them as needed. 
  • Speed and accuracy. We help students use their newfound fluency to approach math problems with greater swiftness and accuracy. One-on-one brain training can also target cognitive skills like logic, reasoning, and processing speed. 

Unlock Math Help with One-on-One Brain Training

When students struggle with math, it’s easy for them to start disparaging their own abilities. In turn, that can make it much harder for them to approach math effectively. 

That’s where math skills training can have a powerful impact. With a customized approach for every student, LearningRx is dedicated to helping individuals become re-energized about this subject. We know that sometimes, a little help can go a long way—and with one-on-one math help, students can gain new confidence in their abilities. 

Find out how math skills training can benefit your learner! You can explore our math help programs online, locate a LearningRx near you, or contact 866-BRAIN-01 to find out more information.

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