
How Improved Study Skills Help with Homework

Homework is often a source of stress for many students and their parents. Whether they leave it to the very last minute, spend longer periods of time fretting about it than their peers, or forget to bring it home altogether, it can be a nightly trial. Some parents even wonder if homework is needed in the first place. For your learner, you may be wondering—what kind of homework help will truly make a difference?

Regardless of homework’s role in overall academic achievement, it provides fantastic opportunities for students to learn independently. Independent learning isn’t just a foundational ability in school—it has countless applications throughout life. It provides a framework for individuals to cultivate abilities at any age. Homework also goes hand-in-hand with organizational and study skills, those “soft skills” that are versatile and useful for everyone. 

Unsurprisingly, building on these skills can also provide effective homework help. But how does that work? Let’s review some of the challenges that students face, and what study skills can do to help with homework. 

Understanding Why Students Need Homework Help

3 Common Challenges with Homework

When students need homework help, it’s not necessarily because they struggle with understanding concepts from class. In fact, here are three common homework challenges that your learner may face: 

  • Staying organized. Homework involves a surprising amount of administrative detail. Keeping track of assignments, their due dates, remembering to bring home study materials—all of these processes involve a level of organization that students frequently struggle with. 
  • Getting overwhelmed. Independent learning can be a trial-and-error process, and this can be frustrating for students of all ages. If students aren’t used to problem-solving, reducing complex problems into bite-sized pieces, or reviewing notes to deepen their understanding, homework can be that much more overwhelming.
  • Running out of time. For most learners, homework isn’t the first priority when they come home. It can be tough to prioritize homework, allocate enough time to complete different phases of a project, and budget and plan their time. This contributes to incomplete homework, too.  

These homework challenges can be compounded by cognitive differences, like ADHD or dyslexia, making this nightly task feel insurmountable at times. That said, it can help to reframe these challenges as opportunities to build new skills—such as study skills.  

3 Study Skills that Help with Homework

How do study skills relate to homework help? These incredibly useful abilities can give students of all ages a way to approach homework meaningfully, with specific strategies to mitigate common challenges. Here are a few particular skills that might help:  

  • Time management skills. When students can effectively plan their night of studying, it helps them set aside enough time to complete homework. It can also help them long-term plan for future projects and multi-part assignments.
  • Note taking. Taking good notes can be a game-changer for learners of any age. It means that if they get stuck on a concept, they have an invaluable resource to refer to. Moreover, the process of taking notes can help with processing new ideas.
  • Organization. Remember those unpleasant administrative details involved in homework—keeping track of deadlines, study materials, and other important pieces? Cultivating organizational skills can alleviate these challenges.  

It’s important to remember that these skills aren’t innate—they’re abilities that are built with practice, repetition, and support. That’s where LearningRx comes in! With homework help programs, we work on building key skills and solving pain points related to homework. Let’s take a look! 

Building Study Skills Through One-on-One Brain Training

Independent learning isn’t an experience that’s exclusive to school. It’s something that we do again and again throughout life. Unsurprisingly, then, study skills can be valuable at any age—for kids, teens, and adults! 

At LearningRx, we help students work on these abilities through one-on-one brain training. That includes our study help and homework help programs. Through a dynamic training program that’s customized with each learner in mind, students exercise and practice their study skills. In conjunction with this process, we teach strategies for effective homework completion. With a friendly, focused environment that embraces neurodiversity, we help each learner discover their strengths and unique potential! 

Our homework help programs can be a game-changer for students of all ages. To explore your options in more detail, find your local LearningRx, or contact 1-866-BRAIN-01 to discuss your learner’s needs.

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