Brain Training Articles & News, Page 14

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Academic Support in Math, Reading, and Writing

 What would you do if your student had all A’s except for a D in history? Chances are, you’d try to get to the bottom of the issue.   Maybe they’re bored by the subject matter or the class is right after lunch and they’re falling asleep. Perhaps it’s the last class of the day and ...

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9 Ways Learning Struggles May Manifest 

Like many parents, you may be wondering if your student is living up to their full potential. On one hand, you’ve witnessed your child’s intelligence, creativity, and wit over the years. But on the other hand, you’ve seen some struggles with grades, argued over unfinished (or unsubmitted) homework, and been to enough parent-teacher meetings to ...

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The Importance of High Fives in Personal Brain Training 

April 21 is National High Five Day, which was started in 2002 at the University of Virginia when a group of students on the main quad of the campus gave out high fives all day. The simple gesture is designed to encourage others, spread good vibes, and/or demonstrate positive feedback to indicate that a task ...

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One Student, an Entire Family Impacted through Brain Training

 While most parents enroll their child or teen in LearningRx personal brain training to help with academic performance at school, many experiences latent improvements from the program that impacts the entire family.  Such was the case for Tate’s parents, who brought him to the Owatonna, Minnesota LearningRx in hopes of boosting his cognitive skills.   The ...

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Featured Guest is a LearningRx Parent of Graduates

Andrea Pollack, MS Ed, is the founder of Autism Parent Solutions and was a featured guest on the Brainy Moms podcast; and is a LearningRx parent of graduates. Brainy Moms, Dr. Amy Moore, and Teri Miller interview Andrea about what it was like leaving her career as a lawyer to homeschool her autistic son and ...

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4 Ways to Improve Math Skills 

April is Mathematics Awareness Month  Fractions, decimals, percentages, oh my! When it comes to numbers, formulas, and word problems, there’s something about math homework that is more difficult.  Some parents perpetuate myths about how they were just born “bad at math,” creating a false narrative for their children to simply accept that they’ve inherited their parent’s ...

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5 Reasons Your Child May Dread School

It’s chaotic enough to manage various schedules for children. Throw complaints of a stomachache or outright tantrums into the mix and you’ve got the recipe for a disaster. Obviously, genuine illness is a legitimate reason for a child or teen to miss school. But what about the other causes of “school dread”? Here are five of ...

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Autism and Brain Training

Until recently, April was designated as National Autism Awareness Month. Now, many of the bigger autism organizations refer to April as Autism Acceptance Month. Why? According to  Autism Society of America President and CEO Christopher Banks, acceptance is often one of the biggest barriers to finding and developing a strong support system. Another change that ...

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What are the underlying causes of a learning struggle?

If you, your child, or someone you love is struggling to learn you may wonder, what causes a learning struggle? We can tell you, it may not have anything to do with effort or intelligence. That’s because most learning struggles occur when one or more cognitive skills simply aren’t as strong as they could be. ...

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10 Crafts to Try for Spring (Easy Prep for Teachers) 

Regardless of the weather where you live, it’s officially spring! For teachers, that often means more time outside for recess, new buds, blossoms, birds, and bugs outside classroom windows, and the creative resurgence of spring-themed crafts!  We scoured the internet for the most vibrant, educational and cost-effective crafts for elementary school teachers to try with ...

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