Brain Training Articles & News, Page 156

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

True Story of Success: Logan, 15 Years Old

Our LearningRx experience far surpassed any expectations we had for our son, Logan. Before completing the program, he was considered a well-behaved young man that was lazy, unmotivated, and unfocused by his teachers. Although he exhibited signs of high intelligence, our son received as many Ds and Fs as he did As and Bs. Logan ...

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True Story of Success: Liam, 10 Years Old

I am like many parents who have had a child who struggled in school. I saw his anguish and pain every time Monday came around. Then there were the never-ending reports that he is behind, he needs after-school tutoring, summer school, and so on. I thought, “If I can only help him more with homework, ...

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True Story of Success: Jillian, 17 Years Old

I have improved in my reading comprehension; it takes me significantlyless time to do my homework. I am more confident in my school work aswell as in my social life, and my writing has improved significantly.I am able to follow instructions and think a little bit faster, and Iam overall more prepared for college and ...

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True Story of Success: Jessica, 17 Years Old

We visited a LearningRx seminar and brought our daughter, Jessica. Sheis 17 years old. It wasn’t what she wanted to do that evening, butshe came willingly. Jessica did wonder, “Is this where dumb kidsgo?” After watching the presentation and participating in some activities,Jessica said, “Well, I guess I’d do something like this, butI would never ...

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True Story of Success: Jesse, 14 Years Old

LearningRx is one of the best decisions we have made for our son! We beganthe journey 5 years ago. He went through the program. We saw such remarkablechanges that we didn’t want it to end. We continue to this day tohave him train 1 to 2 days per week. Most importantly, he enjoys it thoroughly.His ...

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True Story of Success: Haley, 7 Years Old

When my seven-year-old daughter Haley started LearningRx, she could hardlyread a few sentences. Her self-esteem was really low and we could barelydo five minutes worth of homework without getting frustrated. Within the first week of LearningRx, Haley’s self-esteem was better.She was so proud when she could recite the presidents by memory and sowas I. For ...

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True Story of Success: Evan, 12 Years Old

Frustration, tears, and fighting – all over homework! Every nightwas the same. Evan would go into his room to do homework. Thirty minuteslater very little was accomplished – too quiet and too many distractions.Homework at the dining room table was not any better – too noisyand again, too many distractions. Our lives and activities were ...

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True Story of Success: Dustin, 13 Years Old

LearningRx is the best thing that has happened to my son. Dustin was strugglingterribly with several subjects in school. He was doing the homework justto get it done and not caring if it was right or if the answers even madesense. He would sit for hours at the kitchen table doing homework. Sometimeseven crying because ...

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True Story of Success: Casey, 17 Years Old

My 17 year old son, Casey, was having difficulty completing his schoolwork on time and paying attention. I knew he would have a hard time in college if we didn’t get him help. As I suspected, he had very low processing speed as well as other cognitive impairments which showed up in his WJIII testing. ...

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True Story of Success: Carol, 39 Years Old

I came to LearningRx after failing an online exam. I read and studied thenecessary materials to pass the exam, but I did not pass. This was notthe first exam I’ve failed and wanted to investigate why I wasn’table to pass a test I was confident I was prepared to pass. I assumedI had text anxiety. ...

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