Brain Training Articles & News, Page 167

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Using a Different Quadrant of Your Brain Can Help You Lose Weight— And Keep it Off!

With spring and summer wardrobes just around the corner, many of us are thinking about shedding a few pounds. Again. The truth is that, compared to keeping it off, losing weight is a piece of cake (unfortunate metaphor, we admit). In fact, 95 percent of dieters gain their weight back. Sometimes they gain even more ...

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52 Things You Can Do Instead of Watching TV

Did you know that, this year, the average American kid will spend 1,500 hours watching TV…and just 900 hours in school? Or that, this week, the average American kid will spend 1,680 minutes watching TV…and less than 40 minutes in meaningful conversation with his or her parents? All in all, the average American watches 4 ...

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Turn off the Tube. Turn on Your Brain.

"By Day Three, my four-year-old needed a cartoon and she needed it bad." So writes one mom who talked (cajoled? wheedled? pressured?) her family into turning off television (and other media, too) for an entire week. Mother of two Karen Linamen says her family’s TV-free week was filled with sobering discoveries. She describes a conversation ...

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Smart Mom’s Toy Box: April 2011

Lots of great games, puzzles, and brain teasers come in cubes. Rubik’s Cube. Scruble Cube. Qwirkle Cubes. So this month, we’re featuring12 different fun, challenging, sure-to-sharpen-your-brain games…all in the shape of cubes. Nationally renowned brain training experts Ken Gibson and Tanya Mitchell have created a free list to help parents shop for toys, games, and ...

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Brain Awareness Week – LearningRx | LearningRx Blog

Brain Awareness Week (BAW) this March 14 – 20 is the worldwide campaign to increase awareness about the progress and benefits of brain research. One of the many global events scheduled during this 16th annual BAW is the National Brain Bee at the University of Maryland, Baltimore on March 18 and 19. The Bee is ...

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What Would Dr. Seuss Say?

It’s Read Across America Day – a day set aside to encourage every person in America to read or be read to for fun. This annual nationwide observance coincides with the birthday of Dr. Seuss, the American writer best known for creating children’s books and inspiring the love of reading in four generations of kids. ...

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Listen fast! Hear 236 Years of History recited in 17 Seconds!

And you thought patting your head and rubbing your stomach was hard! If you REALLY want to test your powers of concentration and memory, youshould try reciting the names of all 44 American presidents while executinga complicated cup-stacking pattern while surrounded by a distracting chorusof stomping, clapping classmates. Now do it in 17 seconds. A ...

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Are Successful Relationships “No Brainers?” Um, No.

Love can feel complicated, which is why few people describe successful relationships as “no brainers.” But turns out there’s another reason the phrase “no brainer” doesn’t apply to your love life. There’s actually a very big link between your heart and all that gray matter between your ears. In fact, the success of your relationships–romantic ...

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Stop! Don’t Let Your Resolutions Fall By the Wayside Quite Yet

We’re almost three weeks into those New Year’s Resolutions. So how are you doing? If you’re like 40 to 45% of Americans, this month you made a least one resolution for the coming year. What are your chances of actually making the changes you vowed to make? Statistics indicate that, for every 20 people who ...

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Want a Better Memory? Do These Three Things (And Don’t Do These)

Your memory is powered by core brain skills, also known as cognitive skills. But your brain isn’t exactly the Lone Ranger. It can’t function by itself (or even with a single trusted friend named Tonto). Instead, your brain depends on myriad systems in your body (and the health of those systems) in order to do ...

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