Brain Training Articles & News, Page 25

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

LearningRx San Antonio NW on KTVN Channel 2

This piece about LearningRx San Antonio Northwest offering free brain skills assessments and consultations to military families for Veterans Day ran on KTVN Channel 2 News.

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Dr. Amy Moore’s brain training research in Frontiers in Psychology

LearningRx Cognitive Psychologist Dr. Amy Moore, who also runs the Gibson Institute of cognitive Research, was published in the October 29, 2021 issue of Frontiers in Psychology.

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LearningRx San Antonio NW on WRDE Coast TV

This piece about LearningRx San Antonio Northwest offering free brain skills assessments and consultations to military families for Veterans Day ran on WRDE Coast TV’s website.

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10 Ways to Celebrate National Family Literacy Day

How important is reading? Consider this: According to The Children’s Reading Foundation, children who aren’t reading on grade level by the end of third grade struggle in every class, year after year, because more than 85% of the curriculum is taught by reading. It makes sense, when you consider that reading is how students get ...

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8 Brain foods that help with concentration and other brain function

Concentration, focus, attention—centering your interest on the task at hand can sometimes feel difficult, even for the best of us. While it might be tempting to reach for an energy drink, caffeinated soda, or that fourth cup of coffee, consider loading up on brain foods that help with concentration and other cognitive skills. Here are ...

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Homework Hacks

Now that school is back and session, homework is back on the table (or desk). We’ve gathered some of our favorite homework hacks to help expedite the process, keep your student organized, and decrease the chances for tantrums (yours or your kids).  1. Listen to classic music. Studies have shown that students who listen to ...

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Family-friendly Halloween movies

If you have younger kids, you already know that not all Halloween movies are created equal. Some can give kids nightmares and leave them sleeping in your bed for months. To help ensure your sleep quality, we’ve put together a list of family-friendly movies that will get you in the seasonal spirt without any blood ...

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Halloween-themed crafts to do with little ones

October 26 is National Pumpkin Day and we’ve gathered some of our favorite pumpkin-themed crafts for parents to do with their little ones. 1. Make paper plate pumpkins. Let kids decorate two paper plates like pumpkin faces. Then align the plates (with paint/decorations facing out) and punch holes around the sides. Last the plates together ...

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LearningRx Success Story: From reluctant reader to reading for leisure!

Third-grader Lily is a twin who was born10 weeks premature. Doctors told her parents there might be learning complications as she got older, and there were. By first grade, Kily was falling behind her peers. In second grade, Lily had homework struggles and hated reading, so her mom enrolled her in a summer program at ...

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The Brain-boosting nutrition in nuts

October 22 is National Nut Day and it’s the perfect time to share the brain-boosting nutrition of different types of nuts. Although nuts contain a lot of minerals (including copper, zinc, selenium, potassium, and phosphorous), it’s their unsaturated fatty acids that truly steal the show! These fatty acides aren’t just essential for our brains, but ...

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