Brain Training Articles & News, Page 41

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

School-related Stressors for the Parents of Special Needs Children

If you’re the parent to a special needs child, you probably don’t need to be told what your stressors are. But sometimes it helps to get tips that have worked for other parents. Here are some of our favorites. Disorganization. Involve your child in determining how you’ll get organized. For example, take them with you ...

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20 Learning-related Acronyms

Learning is about more than your ABCs. In fact, we’re spelling out an entire list of acronyms (a word formed from the first letter of other words) related to education and learning. ACT: American College Testing What it is: A national college admissions exam ADD/ADHD: Attention Deficit/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder What it is: A learning ...

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Why Your Smart Kid Isn’t on the Honor Roll

For many parents, it’s one of the great mysteries of childrearing: Your very smart kid’s intelligence isn’t reflected in his report card. It’s confusing, isn’t it? How can such a brilliant brain bring home B’s? (Or C’s, or D’s, or worse.) We think you’ve scratched your head (and pulled out your hair!) enough. Here’s a ...

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Improving Your Brain to Get Ahead in Your Career

Unless you’re a professional athlete, competing in the workplace is more about strengthening your brain than your body. And, unfortunately, there’s a misconception in some HR departments that an aging workforce needs to be replenished with a new batch of freshly graduated Logans and Ashleys. But there are three simple truths that can shed light ...

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Understanding IQ

A lot has changed regarding IQ since the term was first coined by German psychologist William Stern. There’s the Flynn effect: The fact that average scores for many groups have been rising by about three points per decade since the early 20th century. There’s the testing itself, which has changed countless times since the original ...

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Using flashcards to improve vocabulary – even for teens!

It may seem counterintuitive to add yet another sensory stimulant when you’re struggling to memorize a word. But studies show that adding visual cues, auditory cues and even olfactory cues (such as sniffing lemon) can trigger memories – and not just the ones of you baking with Grandma! And while flashcards from your childhood may ...

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Teaching Phonemics to a Young Reader

Remember the old “Hooked on Phonics” commercials from the 1990s? It introduced many Americans to the correlation between the term “phonics” and reading. While phonics may teach us about letters, syllables and words, its focus is on written language. We now know that phonemic awareness (often called phonological awareness), which focuses on spoken sounds, is ...

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4 Tips for Improving Test Scores

When it comes to your student taking tests, there are some things within your control that you can do to help! Here are 4 tips to help your student: Feed them brain food – especially the night before and the morning of the test. Avoid processed sugars and opt for “brain foods” like walnuts, blueberries, ...

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Boosting Your Child’s Reading Comprehension This Summer

Summer provides the perfect opportunity to help strengthen your child’s reading comprehension – even before they’re old enough to read! For younger children that you’ll be reading to, start by choosing a book that’s age appropriate. Anything too advanced may come across as boring or confusing. You want to hold their interest and ensure they understand ...

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How Weak Cognitive Skills Contribute to Learning Struggles

Q: What are cognitive skills? A: Cognitive skills are the foundational tools we use to think and learn. Q: What happens when one or more cognitive skills are weak? A: When one or more cognitive skills are weak, it can impact how efficiently we grasp, process, remember, and apply what we are trying to learn. ...

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