
Understanding Cognitive Skills and How To Improve Them

Our brains are capable of extraordinary things—from seemingly simple tasks like seeing and recognizing familiar shapes to complex tasks like learning a language or picking up a new skill. All of these actions are possible thanks to our cognitive skills, which are the various functions and abilities that our brains are capable of. 

Incredibly, our cognitive abilities are capable of improving at any age, and even those with neurodegenerative diseases, like dementia, are capable of learning new things

That said, honing cognitive skills often requires students to engage in regular, structured cognitive learning—in other words, immersive and purposeful building of skills. For most people, this can be fairly tough without the right support. 

That’s where one-on-one cognitive learning, like brain training from LearningRx, can make a difference! Let’s dive into cognitive skills, what they are, and how brain training can play a role in honing cognitive abilities. 

All About Cognitive Skills 

What Are Cognitive Skills? 

First of all, what are cognitive skills? These are different from motor skills, like walking or using scissors, which are the skills required to activate your muscles and body. Cognitive skills, on the other hand, are those abilities needed to activate your brain. They include: 

  • Logic and reasoning
  • Focus 
  • Working memory
  • Visual processing
  • Auditory processing
  • Processing speed 
  • Long-term memory

You draw upon these skills when you use your brain for complex mental actions—such as reading a book, solving a math problem, or learning a new skill. They are also used for more abstract functions like organizing, goal-setting, and solving problems. 

It’s important to know that these brain skills aren’t set in stone. They evolve and change over time, and can be improved upon with focused cognitive learning. Let’s take a look at what that means!  

How Cognitive Learning Can Improve Cognitive Abilities 

The human mind is incredibly plastic—meaning they’re capable of rewiring themselves all the time, allowing us to acquire new information and learn new abilities. Even as we get older, it’s possible to hone cognitive skills through purposeful cognitive learning. 

Simply put, this type of active, engaged learning allows you to deliberately improve your cognitive abilities. Our brains particularly benefit from cognitive skill-building that’s structured, frequently practiced, and just challenging enough. It’s a great way to target overall abilities for kids and teens. For adults, too, it’s an opportunity to maintain or even boost key skills like memory and focus. 

That’s exactly what you can expect with brain training. Here’s how that works.    

Cognitive Learning through One-on-One Brain Training 

At LearningRx, we’re dedicated to helping kids, teens, and adults discover new strengths and abilities. Through one-on-one brain training, our students can target specific cognitive skills for improvement. 

Our programs are carefully calibrated to learners’ existing abilities, for a personalized and immersive cognitive learning experience:   

  • It’s sustained. Effective training requires regular, sustained practice and repetition. Students work with a dedicated brain trainer multiple times a week, for several weeks, giving them structured time to learn and improve. 
  • It’s dynamic. Our personalized programs are intense and dynamic, keeping learners engaged and stimulated as they progress. Exercises are tailored to a specific learner’s abilities, allowing for more meaningful skill-building.  
  • It’s challenging. As learners progress through their individualized program, sessions become progressively more challenging. Students are kept motivated by immediate feedback and positive support from their brain trainer. 

We’ve had success with all ages. Kids, teens, and adults have all reported specific gains* after completing a LearningRx program. That’s the power of one-on-one brain training. 

(*Results based on studies and surveys of past clients. You or your child may or may not experience the same results.) 

Tap into your incredible potential with LearningRx. If you’re interested in getting started with a Cognitive Skills Assessment, contact us online, or call 1-866-BRAIN-01. 

Take the First Step!

Contact us today to book an assessment and get started with Learning Rx!