Brain Training Articles & News, Page 2

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Summer Learning: How to Keep Your Brain Sharp and Get Ahead

Summer break is full of relaxation and fun, but it can also be a time where your kids actually lose up to ⅓ of the knowledge they gained over the school year. That’s a HUGE number, so what can you do to keep learning moving through the summer? Summer learning strategies can help your child’s ...

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How to Encourage Your Stressed Kids

Stressed kids feel like a burden and struggle with confidence, school performance, behavior, and more. Stress is a part of life for all of us, and unfortunately kids are feeling its effects earlier and earlier. Helping your kids learn to manage stress is a critical life skill in the world we live in, and here ...

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LearningRx Owner Shares the Power of Mindset with Taekwondo National Team

It was an honor for LearningRx Costa Mesa-Irvine’s owner Noha Marwan to be invited to coach Egypt’s Taekwondo National team as they prepare for their upcoming World competition in Korea! Noha’s talk entitled “The Power of Your Mind” was part of the team’s preparation. Mindset is everything when it comes to success in sports, the ...

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Who Can Benefit from Brain Training?

There’s often a misconception that brain training is just for kids who struggle in school. But the reality is, virtually everyone can benefit from strengthening cognitive skills! Here are some ways brain training can help individuals in various stages of life: BRAIN TRAINING FOR PRESCHOOLERS/EARLY LEARNERS It’s never too early for kids to start building ...

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Student Spotlight: Sana Improves Communication Skills, Reading, and More Through Brain Training

Sana’s family brought her to LearningRx after years of struggles in many areas of school and life. Sana is on the autism spectrum, and her family was having trouble finding the right program to help her break through barriers and experience success. LearningRx’s one-of-a-kind approach to learning challenges and helping individuals of all neuro-abilities is ...

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The Best Kinds of Questions to Ask Your Kids

Questions drive conversation. They open the door to learn from each other, explore new ways of thinking, resolve conflict, and more. But often, conversations with our kids go something like this: Mom: How was school today? Kid: Fine. Mom: Just fine? Why was it fine? Kid: Because. Sound familiar? These kinds of stop-and-go conversations often ...

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How Brain Training Has Helped Individuals with Autism

While we know autism brings its fair share of challenges, we truly believe in unlocking everyone’s greatest potential. Individuals with autism bring a unique approach to life, and supporting brain skills with brain training has been a huge help for many individuals on the autism spectrum. Please note: we do not diagnose autism spectrum disorder. ...

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How a California Stock Trader Increased Memory through Brain Training

How would your life be different if you could remember instantly, think quickly, and read faster? How much time and energy would that save you in a day? That’s exactly why Laurent sought out brain training at LearningRx. He’s a successful stock trader in our area who was seeking a way to become a high ...

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What’s So Special About One-on-One Brain Training?

Our one-to-one approach is one of the biggest things that sets us apart from other brain training resources, both virtually and in person. Every client is paired with a personal brain trainer who will follow them through the completion of their program—and that relationship is truly something special! Here are some of the things that ...

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Why Auditory Processing Matters for Reading

Learning to read is a complex task. And even for adults, reading comprehension continues to be essential in virtually every career field. So why is it that so many people of all ages struggle with reading? The most significant reason for reading problems is not a poor memory or “slowness,” instead, it’s weak auditory processing ...

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