Brain Training Articles & News, Page 3

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Local Student Wins 3rd in National Contest

Congratulations to our very own Evan—3rd place winner in LearningRx’s 2022 President’s Day contest! What was the Contest? Students are tasked with reciting all 46 US presidents in order from memory—while doing another task (definitely NOT an easy assignment!!) How Do Students Learn the Presidents? Every LearningRx student learns the Presidents over the course of ...

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Raising Independent Kids

Household Chores By Age that May Help Build Independence From "7 Tips for Raising Independent Children by Renee Rodriguez

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Trainer of the Month Drake Cappi

Congratulations Drake! Drake brings his expertise to LearningRx as a graduate of the University of California, Irvine. Armed with a psychology degree, experience as a teaching assistant, and passion for seeing his student’s breakthrough their challenges, Drake has facilitated amazing results. His clients have ranged from 6 to 65 years of age and he loves ...

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Graduate Success Story Falon Shae

Congratulations Falon!!   We Are So Proud of You I brought my daughter to the LearningRx last year because she was in 3rd grade with a 1st grade reading level. I had a feeling that she was dyslexic. I knew their cognitive skills assessment could give me some answers. When I met Noha, the owner, ...

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Sugar High=Brain Low

According to the Special Holidays Calendar for June 2020…June is National Candy Month, who knew!…and look at the days dedicated to sugary treats… 2nd National Rocky Road Day 4th National Applesauce Cake Day 5th National Doughnut Day       7th National Chocolate Ice Cream Day            9th National Strawberry Rhubarb Pie day 12th National Peanut Butter Cookie Day ...

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Graduate Success Story – Meet Mohamed Ali

CONGRATS MOHAMEDWe are so Proud of You! Mohamed came to LearningRx with struggles across the board. He was unable to focus, to follow instructions or complete school work to the point he was taken out of mainstream classes. He had terrible nightmares and stop communicating as he detached from the world. Through his brain training ...

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I’ll Never be Good Enough and Other Lies I Tell Myself

Never before has self-esteem, self-worth and self-confidence been so low. Many generations are feeling it, but none like our teenagers. I’m not just talking about the recent world situation and “stay at home” orders, this decline has been happening for years. The advent of social media, increased celebrity worship, and constant social comparison is taking ...

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Attention Parents! Summer Slide Alert

The lazy days of summer have a hidden danger lurking. It’s a phenomenon so well-known to educators; they call it the “summer slide.” It’s the loss of knowledge and ability that typically occurs when formal education stops during the summer months. Yikes, add 2 months to that and here we are! Ending the instructional year ...

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