
Ready For College!

Hannah came to LearningRx her junior year.  She was experiencing a lot of frustration as she had a hard time staying on top of her homework – executive function – and had difficulty with test taking and study skills.  

Hannah was also diagnosed with ADHD and reading was a difficult task.  

Hannah recently completed her training and experienced significant gains in her cognitive skills and abilities.  She is now much more proactive and on top of her homework.  Her focus and attention have improved, and she is better able to retain information.  She has also been able to reduce her ADHD medication as a result of her training.  

She shared a story that she had a big test and the teacher allowed students to use their notes – it was an open book test.  Hannah did not know this and showed up for the test without her notes or materials.  However, her memory was now so much stronger that she aced the test!

Hannah is also more confident; she knows she is smart and has a greater belief in herself.  She will be heading off to college this fall and now has the tools to succeed.  

If you have a child struggling with ADHD, executive function, reading, organizational skills or overall confidence and motivation, call the LearningRx Eagan location to schedule an initial assessment to find out why and get your child on a path to greater success.

At LearningRx, we love changing the trajectory of a child’s life via our life changing, 1-on-1 training!

Take the First Step!

Contact us today to book an assessment and get started with LearningRx Eagan!