Help for ADHD Struggles
Owen is a 4th grader diagnosed with ADHD and his parents were seeking help for ADHD struggles. However, his difficulties with attention were not his only challenges. His father shared, “Owen is behind his classmates in reading and math. He has a lot of difficulty with focus, and he gets easily frustrated.” This frustration was causing a lot of stress at home. Owen would constantly procrastinate in doing his homework, negotiate to get out of doing any work or flat-out refuse.
For those diagnosed with ADHD, two of the common skill weaknesses are working memory and processing speed and this was the case for Owen. These weaknesses meant that Owen’s brain had to work much harder than other students who do not have these weaknesses. The result is difficulty in maintaining such a high-level of energy which causes students to zone out of get easily distracted. In fact, peer-reviewed research published in the Journal of Mental Health and Clinical Psychology shows that for ADHD struggles, attention is not usually the lowest skill. It is other skills like processing speed. Our focus at LearningRx is to address the root cause of attention/ADHD issues vs. settling for ADHD medication.
Owen also struggled with auditory processing and long-term memory – the most critical reading skills– and reasoning which is need for problem solving and grasping math concepts.
Owen wanted to do well in school, but these weaknesses were making reading, math and attention very difficult and, as a result, it manifested as frustration and motivation issues.
LearningRx training for Owen has changed that! These weak skills are now strong for Owen and school is easier. Owen’s father shared, “We used to have to force and fight with Owen to do his homework. Now, when I come home from work, he has it done! Thank you, LearningRx!”
Motivation Struggles
There can be various reasons students struggle with motivation, but often the issue is that the work is too hard as was the case for Owen. Although we cannot control a student’s level of motivation, most of our students leave with a high level of confidence, newfound motivation and less oppositional behavior because we can make academics easier.
If your child is experiencing ADHD struggles and issues with motivation or homework battles, call the LearningRx Fort Collins center at 970-672-2020 to learn more.