
Parenting Tips for Encouraging a Love of Reading in Children with Learning Struggles

For children facing learning struggles, the journey into the world of words can be a daunting one. However, instilling a love of reading in these youngsters is not only possible but can be a transformative experience for both parent and child alike. Whether or not you yourself are an avid reader, here are some ways to foster this passion in your kids, even if they struggle:

Patience and Understanding

The first step in fostering a love of reading is to approach the process with patience and understanding. Children with learning struggles may face unique challenges when it comes to decoding words or comprehending text. Recognize and appreciate their individual progress, no matter how small, and celebrate their efforts to instill confidence.

Reading is complex, and lots of things have to be in place cognitively for it to happen efficiently. Here are some of the things that kids need to know before reading becomes natural and fun.

Tailored Reading Material

Not all books are created equal, and the same goes for readers. Children with learning struggles often benefit from reading material that caters to their specific needs. Opt for books with larger fonts, captivating images, and shorter chapters. Additionally, consider pairing print books with audiobooks as they can provide an alternative means of accessing stories, enhancing comprehension and enjoyment to build their passion and interest.

Have “fun” reading books on hand that are specific to your child’s interests. This will help them see that not all reading is boring or just for school!

Create a Reading-Friendly Environment

Transforming your home into a reading haven can significantly impact your child’s attitude toward books. Set up a cozy reading nook with comfortable seating, good lighting, and a variety of age-appropriate books. Make reading an integral part of your daily routine, whether it’s a bedtime story or a weekend reading session. Consistency is key to building a positive association with reading.

Interactive Reading

Engage your child in interactive reading sessions to make the experience more enjoyable. Encourage them to ask questions, predict what might happen next, or even act out scenes from the story. Interactive reading not only enhances comprehension but also makes the reading process more dynamic and entertaining.

Utilize Technology

In the digital age, technology can be a valuable ally in promoting a love of reading. Educational apps, audiobooks, and interactive e-books can cater to different learning styles and provide an engaging platform for children with learning struggles. Be sure to monitor screen time and choose apps that align with your child’s educational needs. Reading from a screen or listening to an audiobook is not the same as reading from a book according to research, so it’s important to just use these things as a supplement.

Board games are a great option to practice reading skills in a screen-free, low pressure environment! Check out some of our favorites to help with reading and spelling here >>

Set Realistic Goals

Establishing realistic reading goals can provide a sense of achievement for children with learning struggles. Break down larger reading tasks into smaller, manageable goals, and celebrate each milestone reached. This not only boosts confidence but also instills a sense of accomplishment that will motivate continued efforts.

Seek Professional Support

If your child’s learning struggles are getting in the way of reading or enjoyment of learning, consider seeking professional support. LearningRx offers personalized cognitive training programs that target specific areas of cognitive development, including reading skills. A tailored approach can make a significant difference in unlocking your child’s potential and fostering a love for reading.

Learn more about our multisensory, science-based reading program here!

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