Brain Training Articles & News, Page 6

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

3 Things to Do During Exam Week to Get Better Grades

Studying for exams can be stressful. It’s easy to get overwhelmed, overworked, and overstimulated, and these feelings often translate to lower grades and more frustration. Instead of gearing up for exam week with the same level of stress and dred, here are 3 tips for exam week to help you get better grades! 1. Prioritize ...

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5 Ways to Help Your Kids Take Gratitude Beyond Thanksgiving Week

Thanksgiving week is a great time to talk about gratitude as a family. But the effects of gratitude go way beyond one week of the year! Consistent gratitude makes kids and adults more energized, less stressed, happier, and more confident. Here are 5 helpful tips to take your family gratitude rhythms beyond Thanksgiving week: Dinner ...

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Long COVID Brain Fog & Executive Functioning Issues

The ability to think, plan, and reason is critical to day-to-day life. Many of these processes are governed by a set of cognitive abilities categorized as executive functioning skills. For many individuals who were infected with COVID (especially long-haulers), these skills are still a struggle. Brain fog, cognitive issues, and poor executive function are some ...

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The Role of Auditory Processing in Dyslexia & Reading Struggles

One of the most common misconceptions about dyslexia and other reading struggles is that the problem must be visual. These kids must just be “seeing” the letters wrong. They’re seeing them backwards. They’re mixing up the order. But in reality, weak auditory processing is actually the most common underlying cause of reading struggles, including dyslexia. ...

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Specific Learning Disorder with Impairment in Reading: What It Is and What You Need to Know

For years, kids who struggle with reading have been accommodated, pushed through, put in lower reading groups, or diagnosed with dyslexia. However, there is a move towards a more general understanding of this struggle with reading: and that is specific learning disorder with impairment in reading. So Is Dyslexia Not a Thing Any More? Dyslexia ...

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Reading Interventions: What to Look for to Help Struggling Readers

If you’re desperate for something to help your struggling reader, you may be overwhelmed with the number of reading interventions that are available to you. All of these different programs and approaches tout gains in reading ability, so what should you really be looking for? According to the Science of Reading (an evidence-based understanding of ...

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How Does the LearningRx Reading Program Fit with the Science of Reading?

LearningRx is committed to providing the highest quality program that will deliver the most benefit to our clients. When it comes to reading help, our reading program has been proven again and again to be effective, even if you have an additional learning challenge. With the move towards the Science of Reading in classroom instruction, ...

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Working Memory & Learning Struggles

Working memory is one of the primary skills that determines the way your brain interacts with the world around you. It’s like your “mental bucket” that holds onto information long enough to determine what happens next, whether that is further processing, an action, or storing it in memory.  For many kids who struggle in school, ...

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5 Ways to Build Your Child’s Reading Confidence

Kids with low reading confidence often struggle, especially if they feel like they are behind their peers. The ability to read impacts every area of school and life, but for many kids, it is a constant source of frustration or embarrassment.  Reading confidence is not necessarily complete mastery. Instead, think of it as their ability ...

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What if Reading is Still a Fight This Year? When to Get Help for Kids Struggling with Reading

If you have kids struggling with reading, you’re probably familiar with the fight. They don’t like reading. It’s boring. It’s hard.  This battle is exhausting for kids, parents, and teachers alike, and a lack of confidence in reading bleeds over into every other subject area as well. Reading is the foundation for learning, so what ...

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