Brain Training Articles & News, Page 7

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

How to Make a Better Transition to School

The school year is going to be upon us before we know it. Instead of dreading this start, you can start planning now to make it a smoother transition to school for your whole family! Whether your child loves school and thrives in that environment or they drag their feet through every single day, here ...

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10 Brain-Boosting Summer Road Trip Games

Picture this: You’re stuck in the car for hours on the way to your family vacation. What do you do? Do you fight over the music selection? Give everyone their own device? Queue up some shows? What if you could use your road trip time to connect as a family and play some fun brain-boosting ...

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Why Some Kids Struggle With Reading

Lots of kids struggle with reading, yet many parents still feel isolated and alone. Your child may be performing below standards in school, struggling with homework, or even feeling embarrassed by their own inability to read fluently.  For some kids, reading is just hard. It doesn’t “click.” It doesn’t “make sense.” And for many parents, ...

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Concussion Recovery and Brain Training

Concussions happen daily, whether in sports, car accidents, day-to-day injuries, or other more serious situations. While the concussion recovery journey is different for everyone, there are some things you can do to help restore focus and memory! What are the Lasting Effects of Concussions? Often after a concussion, you hear that you will continue to ...

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Essential Study Tips for Kids and Teens

If your child spends hours the day before a test scrambling to pull together notes, only to walk away from study sessions feeling foggy, frustrated, and not at all confident, it may be time to introduce some new study skills. Studying is an art. If your child has the skills to study, they will feel ...

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What Causes Test Anxiety (And How Can You Get Over It)?

Test anxiety is a very real fear among kids, teens, and adults. Whether it’s your 3rd grade standardized tests, the SATs, college exams, or professional certifications, testing can be a huge source of fear and stress for many people. Why is this? Why do we freeze up and forget everything we knew so well the ...

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3 Questions to Ask as You Prepare for Next School Year

Whether this year has been full of triumph or tears (or a mixture of both), now is the time to start looking ahead to what’s next. Your child is about to have a summer break full of fun and relaxation, but what can you be doing to minimize the stress that’s coming and to prepare ...

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Brain Training for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum

There’s a reason that autism is described as being a spectrum. There are so many varied skills, needs, and experiences within this diagnosis. While it has its challenges, individuals with autism are set up to experience the world in a unique way—and supporting brain skills with brain training has helped many individuals with autism excel ...

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4 Tips That Improve Time Management in Middle School

Learning can be difficult for kids at any age but between more rigorous academics, hormonal changes and challenging social dynamics, middle school can be particularly rough. If you want to set your child up for academic success during the early teen years, they need to be good managers of their time. But good time management ...

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5 Ways Slow Processing Speed Impacts Learning

Processing speed is a critical cognitive skill that determines how quickly and efficiently your brain is able to take in and manipulate information. Slow processing speed has a direct impact on every single other tool your brain uses to think, learn, and remember. Other skills like attention, logic & reasoning, memory, auditory processing, and visual ...

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