Brain Training Articles & News, Page 247

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Beyond the Bin: 10 Cool Ways to Save on Back-to-School Shopping

Buying back-to-school supplies, clothes, sneakers, backpacks and lunch sacks is about to require me to refinance my house. Considering that I only have two kids and they have to wear uniforms (which are cheaper than designer duds!), I should count my blessings. I have a friend who has eight kids-seven of whom are in school. ...

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LearningRx Orlando-Windermere on Fox 35 TV | Brain Training Center

Here’s Georgia Leacox of LearningRx Orlando-Windermere appearing on Fox 35 TV to talk about preventing the summer brain drain with inexpensive toys:

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Event to honor National Student of the Year | Brain Training Center

Here’s a piece about an event to honor Louie Carrozza, the winnerof LearningRx’s 2016 Student of the Year contest:

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Four places that help students | Cognitive Training Programs

LearningRx was one of four businesses mentioned in this article in DailyNews Journal:

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LearningRx Fresno’s Wacky Wednesday on TV | Brain Training Center

Here is LearningRx Fresno on TV showing the reporter what Wacky Wednesdayis all about in their quad:

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Overcoming shyness: Helping your child excel in school and life

Do you have a son who is so incredibly shy that the first day of school is enough to wreak havoc on his digestive tract? Or a daughter who you worry won’t make friends due to her constant fear of meeting new people? If so, you’re not alone. While some scientists may argue that shyness ...

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LearningRx Cedar Rapids on CBS 2 / Fox 28 | Cognitive Training Programs

Here’s a story about kids and smartphones, including a short interviewwith Courtney Axline:

Read more piece on Student of the Year finalist | Brain Training Center

Here’s a release about the Leesburg Student of the Year finalist,Louie, that ran on

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LearningRx Cedar Rapids on CBS 2 Iowa 0 | Cognitive Training Programs

Here’s a piece about the pros and cons of year-round schooling, includingan interview with Courtney Axline of LearningRx Cedar Rapids:

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LearningRx news in Franchise POD | Cognitive Skills Training

Here’s a piece about a Milwaukee man being named as one of five finalistsin the LearningRx national brain training results contest:

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