Brain Training Articles & News, Page 25

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

10 Travel Games to Boost Cognitive Skills on Your Family Trip

If you’re heading out on a family trip this summer and want to keep your kids’ brains engaged in the car, at the hotel, or on the campsite, we’ve got some suggestions that span a variety of ages and interests. These travel games aren’t just about entertainment; they can actually help boost cognitive skills—the core ...

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5 Signs of Slow Processing Speed in Adults

Do you ever question your ability to keep up with work, family, friendships, or other spheres of life? The reality is that our world is fast-paced and overwhelming in many ways, but having slow processing speed is one of the things that can make life harder than it needs to be, both for kids and ...

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Summer Journal-Build Memories and Brain Skills

It’s hard to believe that the school year is coming upon us again before we know it. If you’re starting to think of things you can do to re-engage your children’s brains before it kicks in, a summer journal is a great option! Spending a few minutes per day writing can help your kids: Benefits ...

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Find Help with ADHD at LearningRx

When your learner is diagnosed with ADHD, it may help to explain many of the challenges they’ve faced over the years—at school, at home, and elsewhere. The common features of ADHD, such as impulsivity, forgetfulness, and executive dysfunction, can present significant difficulties at any age. But finding the root cause of your learner’s challenges is ...

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6 Reading Readiness Skills Beyond Knowing the Alphabet

Learning to read is a fundamental milestone in a child’s educational journey. While knowing the alphabet is crucial, there are several other reading readiness skills that pave the way for successful reading. Important Reading Readiness Skills Include: Connecting Sound to Code Phonics, the connection between sounds and letters, lays the foundation for reading. Children need ...

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My Child Has a Diagnosis, Now What?

Receiving a diagnosis can be a positive step in helping a child succeed and improve their overall performance. There is a myriad of diagnosis — ADHD, Dyslexia, Autism, Dysgraphia, Executive Function Disorder, Auditory Processing Disorder, TBI, to name a few. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with a learning disability, what are ...

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My Child Has a Diagnosis, Now What?

Receiving a diagnosis can be a positive step in helping a child succeed and improve their overall performance. There is a myriad of diagnosis — ADHD, Dyslexia, Autism, Dysgraphia, Executive Function Disorder, Auditory Processing Disorder, TBI, to name a few. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with a learning disability, what are ...

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My Child Has a Diagnosis, Now What?

Receiving a diagnosis can be a positive step in helping a child succeed and improve their overall performance. There is a myriad of diagnosis — ADHD, Dyslexia, Autism, Dysgraphia, Executive Function Disorder, Auditory Processing Disorder, TBI, to name a few. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with a learning disability, what are ...

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Real-Life Math Practice Ideas for Summer

Keeping your kids’ math skills sharp through the summer may not sound too fun, but it doesn’t have to be as complicated or boring as you might think! Students lose significant momentum in areas like math and reading when they’re not “exercising” these skills during the break, and summer is a great opportunity to take ...

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Why is Writing Such an Important Skill for Kids to Practice?

We think of reading and math as key academic skills to sharpen through the summer months, but writing is just as important! Writing requires your brain to incorporate every single cognitive skill—which is one reason why it’s such a challenge for many students. Cognitive Skills & Writing As we said above, writing uses every cognitive ...

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