Brain Training Articles & News, Page 253

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Smart Ways to Spend the Summer: Keep Kids off the “The Summer Slide”

Third grade teacher Alyssa Call got a bit of a shock when she returned to her classroom in the fall and saw the test scores of her students. She had taught several of the children the year before, as a second grade teacher, and she knew their scores had fallen considerably after taking nearly three ...

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Beat the heat! Cheap Indoor Activities to Keep Their Brains (& Hands!) Occupied

It’s easy to keep kids busy in the summer when the sun is shining and a swimming pool (or beach) awaits. But the rainy days can be a bit more of a challenge, especially when you’re trying to avoid raising couch potatoes. Here are 10 ideas to help you keep your child’s brain engaged without ...

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School Sports: Five Myths About Concussions

Although most people have a general idea of what concussions are, there are still some myths surrounding the injury. MYTH #1: The two most dangerous high school sports in terms of concussion rates are football and hockey. Although high school football accounts for around 250,000 concussions each year[1], the second most dangerous sport isn’t hockey; ...

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Why Bullies Target Struggling Students (And How You Can Help!)

We’ve seen examples of “old-fashioned” bullying since the TV made its appearance in the American household; the mean boy shoving the weaker child on the playground, or the rich girl making fun of the orphan dressed in rags. But modern bullying often takes the form of less obvious taunting, exclusion, or uses multimedia to spread ...

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Three Common Learning Disabilities

The term “learning disability” can strike a chord of panic in parents. “But my child is smart! How can she have a learning disability?” is a common reaction. And the reality is, they’re right! The majority of kids and teens (and adults!) with learning disabilities are intelligent—even geniuses! Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, ...

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Ten Myths About Learning Disabilities (and Why They’re False)

It’s not your fault. You’ve taken the advice of well-meaning experts, Googled a few topics, and heard that tutoring helped your neighbor’s daughter after she missed two weeks of school due to appendicitis. And you’re not alone. The myths you’ve believed about learning disabilities have been around for years (with no ill intent!) because we ...

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School-related Stressors for the Parents of Special Needs Children

If you’re the parent to a special needs child, you probably don’tneed to be told what your stressors are. But sometimes it helps to gettips that have worked for other parents. Here are some of our favorites. Involve your child in determining how you’ll get organized. For example, take them with you to the store ...

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Red Flag Phrases for Parent-Teacher Conferences

Sometimes it’s hard for parents (and even teachers!) to determine if certain struggles or behaviors are just a normal part of the learning process, or an indicator of a deeper issue. Certain problems can serve as red flags that a cognitive skill weakness may be causing serious learning struggles and holding a child back. Cognitive ...

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5 Ways to Help a Child with a Learning Disability

“This is too hard!” 5 Ways to Help a Child with a Learning Disability It’s hard to watch your child struggle in school, but there are things you can do to help them. Find out how to turn, “This is too hard!” into “I’m so smart!” with these 5 tips: Remind them that even very ...

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Free Resources for Special-Needs Children

If you have a special-needs child, you know it can sometimes be a struggle to find information, resources and support. We’ve put together a list of 10 free resources to assist you in connecting with people and organizations that can help. The Reach for Me Network Founded by a single father of a son ...

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