Brain Training Articles & News, Page 254

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Individualized Education Programs (IEPs): The Basics

You may have heard of individualized education programs (IEP) in passing, but until your child needs one, it’s not likely you’ll do a ton of homework to find out what they are. Here’s a quick rundown of what they are, why your child might need one, how they’re developed and who you might be working ...

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Fact, Fiction or on the Fence? 10 Truths About the Brain

There are a lot of misconceptions about the brain, and social media sometimes does more harm than good when it comes to perpetuating some of the untruths. Here are a few of the most commonly confused tidbits about the human brain. You’re either left-brained or right-brained. FALSE. This long-standing myth has been debunked. There is ...

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List of Military Discounts for Food, Fitness, Education, & More

Military families often go through major challenges that our non-military counterparts don’t. There are the frequent moves (sometimes in the middle of the school year), the long separations, living far away from extended family and, of course, the constant worries associated with deployments to war zones. That’s why acknowledgements of service (both to soldiers and ...

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Why Math Matters—and What You Can Do To Help Your Child

In her book, The Smartest Kids in the World: And How They Got That Way, Time magazine journalist Amanda Ripley writes about Americans’ lackadaisical attitudes toward math, despite its thread being woven into practically every profession. From measuring floor covering to making change for customers, understanding math is crucial, and yet we sometimes downplay its ...

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Smart Mom’s Toy Box: March 2015

Brain training experts Ken Gibson and Tanya Mitchell have created a listof toys, games, and activities that support healthy cognitive development.“We want to give parents practical tips they can use to make savvybuying decisions,” Gibson explains. “Science continues toprovide insights into how plastic our brains really are, and there’sabsolutely no reason not to use that ...

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The Special Needs Brain: Research That’s Changing How We Address Learning Struggles

The Special Needs Brain: Research That’s Changing How We Address Learning Struggles As a leader in field of cognitive training research, the Gibson Instituteof Cognitive Research (, along with one-on-one brain training company LearningRx ( has gathered some of the top research related to special needs and learningstruggles. For parents and educators seeking ways to ...

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Pavlov’s Tween: Why Adolescence is the Perfect Time to do Brain Training

New research published in Nature Communications has found that adolescents’ brains react more responsively to receiving rewards. (If you’re curious, the World Health Organization defines adolescence as the period between the ages of 10 and 19.) Although this strong reward system can lead to risky behavior, it can also be used to make learning easier. ...

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Five Types of Learning-Related Assessments

If you’re thinking of having your child’s learning skills assessed, there are a lot of choices. Read on to discover the difference between five of the more common types of tests to evaluate cognitive skills. Achievement assessments: These tests measure proficiency in specific subjects and can alert parents to holes in their children’s education. Although ...

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Bad Report Card? There’s Hope for Struggling Learners

Report cards. Seldom have two words caused such anxiety for both students and parents. For some, poor grades can reflect feelings of inadequacy (as a student or a parent), worries about being held back a grade, or fears of not getting into a good college. Who’s to blame for learning struggles? For parents, these fears ...

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25 Tips to Help Your Student Succeed This Year

Transitioning from a summer of sleeping in, playing all day and staying up late, to a strict school regime with homework and tests is tough for anyone. Factor in things like ADHD, multiple extracurricular activities and a new teacher (and, sometimes, a new school!), and you’ve got the recipe for homework struggles. So what’s a ...

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