Brain Training Articles & News, Page 259

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Hello? Can You Hear Me?

People who own smartphones often end up using their thumbs-a lot!-swipingthrough various touchscreens on an ongoing basis throughout the day. All that thumb action can create physical changes in the brain, researcherssay, leaving certain regions more active or even enlarged. Scientists suspected this might be the case, since something similar happensto violinists. Regions of the ...

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True Stories of Success: John, 14

Before I went to LearningRx, I had trouble at almost everything school-related.Remembering what homework I had to do and turning assignments in werebig struggles for me. Procrastination was also a big roadblock, sinceI would put assignments off till later and end up never doing them. OnceI got to LearningRx everything at school changed for the ...

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True Stories of Success: Hayden, 10

My son, Hayden, attends a private school that has an extremely demanding curriculum, especially in spelling and math, from first grade on. Although I knew Hayden was very intelligent, I also knew from about age five or six that there was something different about his forming of letters, short-term memory, etc… I really became aware ...

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True Stories of Success: Bryan, 21 Years Old

LearningRx has proven to be a tremendous experience. After not being accepted to the degree program of my choice and struggling through three years of school at UW-Madison I had become full of self-doubt, and lost most of the confidence I had during my high school years. As hard as I tried, I had issues ...

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Liar, Liar

Not to give anyone an excuse for bad behavior or poor choices, but researchers are saying that "cognitive tiredness" later in the day can play a role in the decision to give in to temptation. A number of studies seem to reveal similar findings. In one study, folks were far more likely to cheat on ...

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True Stories of Success: Alex, 13 Years Old

Our son Alex has struggled to read quickly and write well since the fourthgrade. Homework became an increasing problem as it required hours andhours of time just to get through it. Having to read 20 pages per nightin Language Arts and then write 5 paragraphs simply became unmanageablefor Alex, since he read so slowly and ...

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True Stories: Justin, 16 Years Old

Ten years of frustration… Six months to success A Struggling Sophomore Discovers His Potential By Justin’s parents, Sheree & Bill When we started with the LearningRx program, we were already attendingthe Huntington Learning Center™, but noticed Justin was still strugglingthrough his sophomore year schoolwork. They were tutoring him to bringhim up to his grade level, ...

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The Family That Trains Together, Grows Together (Part III)

The Williams Kids Speak Out When a reporter sat down with the gregarious Williams siblings and theirmother, Jenny, the goal was to discover how the LearningRx model helpedthese students achieve exciting breakthroughs in their education. Butas you will read, she also uncovers a stunning change that neither thetrainer nor the Williams family could ever have ...

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Brain Muffin: Pumpkin Bran Chocolate Chip Brain Muffins

Fall is in full swing and pumpkins are ripe in the fields. Does cinnamon, pumpkin, and chocolate beckon? Here’s a delicious breakfast, midmorning snack, or high-energy meal (with a bit of great coffee of course). Brain muffins! Back by popular demand (and growling tummies), these healthy but oh-so-delicious muffins are sure to be a hit. ...

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Dyslexia Myths to Look Out For

12 Myths We Often Can’t Help But Believe About Dyslexia What is your dyslexia IQ? Take a little quiz to find out…before reading these myths. 1. People with dyslexia see words backward like “dog” instead of “god” or “was” instead of “saw”. This myth is incorrect. Dyslexia is not caused by a vision problem. Many ...

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